Avatars :o)

Yes, that's exactly the link I was missing! :)

I also read somewhere (I think it was in a guidebook) that the sign as it is used today reminds of a castle with four towers at (on?) every corner. Well, it could be but you need a lot of fantasy for that...
Indeed I believe it has something to do with eternity/infinity, it's just like all these celtic knots or that sign for infinity (what's it called again...that "8" lying on its side?).
Originally posted by Blackspirit


Oh, and "dudette" is so much nicer! >;oP hehe....

Btw, when did you get into Vintersorg, Frost....?

One more thing; Yet another cool avatar from
you, Demonic_Science
heh thanks
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
I'm not either. Nor signatures. And I'm about to change my avatar. So, let's hope this problem gets fixed.

Lol! Everything is gone! Man! I thought Opera was
seriously fucking with me! Cause sometimes it
switches the avatars with the smileys etc, but I
know a few tricks to get it to work right... but this
was just too serious! hehe..

What a relief that I'm not the only one having this
problem, thanks for the quick replay, both of you! >:o)
me thinks this thread lost its meaning.. and it's almost the only thread that hasn't strayed from the original topic! hehe :waah:

edit: typos!
edit2: i don't have any money! :cry:
yeah thats sad to hear mark, but it doesnt suprise me as huge as UM has grown, I dont have a credit card or any money at the moment but when i get some spare cash after I sell my Gamcube, ill be sure to donate, this is a great place...