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Originally posted by Somber Soul
Mona Phyros? Hehe...weird thought. He has eyebrows, though.

Hehe, Mona Lisa doesn't have eyebrows?? *g* :lol: Didn't remember that... But then, the face doesn't look like it; that wasn't the point. It's just the feeling I got.... The colours...
Nope, old Mona hasn't got any eyebrows. Check next time you see the picture somewhere. I don't know the reason, though.

Yeah, I see what you mean. The colours, the atmosphere maybe? And it's good of you not to compare Phyros' looks with that of Mona. I guess that wouldn't be a compliment...for Mona!!! :heh: :lol:
@Gauny... I know, I just fixed the blue thingie..:grin:

@Ziu... Your guess is quite good ;)

@ Everyone... Well, I dunno what to say... I am glad you dicuss it, I´m just not sure wether you like it or not...;) But I like it, dunno why, maybe I should post a larger one at the pics thread?
And Somber... :eek: :mad: :cry:

-phyros (busy rabbit)
Originally posted by Phyros
@Gauny... I know, I just fixed the blue thingie..:grin:

yeah.....and I had to look up what a "mycologist" is because I didn't know :err:

I must also say I thought of Mona Lisa....so the thought isn't _that_ weird, Fjell! :grin:
Anyway.....I like it better than the previous one.
Eerm, sorry about that my dear..;) Hope it didn´t cause you to much trouble....:grin:

Anyways, yeah, I´ve got eyebrows. :lol:

AND I actually think beeing compared to a 2000 year old symbol of beauty and perfection isn´t such a bad thing after all...:grin: :lol:

-phyros (christish?)
Who knows, Phyros. Maybe you have the potential to hang in the Louvre in 500 years, too. Then all people will stand in front of a digi painting entitled "Phyros" and will revere it...and will think that this was the beauty standard of the 21st century. ;) :D
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
Hey dude, you have a beard and you're cooler than Mona Lisa. Really!

You knew her?!?! Wow!! :p :grin:

Originally posted by Somber Soul
Who knows, Phyros. Maybe you have the potential to hang in the Louvre in 500 years, too. Then all people will stand in front of a digi painting entitled "Phyros" and will revere it...and will think that this was the beauty standard of the 21st century. ;) :D

And they will discuss what his epression means. And -What is he thinking of?? Who was he?? :D