Avenged Sevenfold and COB

Kamaria i fucking love you too.how can you honestly sit there and compare bodom to A7x when you supposedly LOVE Allu and COB SOOO much witout blowing your own head off for having such a stupid ass notion in the first place?!? yeah A7x compares to Bodom in any way and In Flames sounds exactly like Aqua.
You're not special, just some stupid annoying fangirl.

You seriously think your'e the only person that thinks this way about him...? lol

There's hundred of girls that think of him like this.
I'll be of legal age for him in one year! I can't wait. Then we can live happily in peace. No other girl feels this much about him except for me.
Lady_Laiho said:
I'll be of legal age for him in one year! I can't wait. Then we can live happily in peace. No other girl feels this much about him except for me.

Nope, no other girl!

Just you and 5000^5 others.
I've actually been reading her posts...her,him,it...whatever.
C'mon...it's gotta be a fake account..i mean...if all this shit was real she'd have the IQ of a garden hose.

Yeah...Avenged Sevenfold DOES sound like Children Of Bodom and i bet you all noticed how Henkka totally ripps off Britney's style through the whole CoB carrier...i mean...there MUST have been a day when their hair looked similar and they both probably use Head 'n shoulders cause they've got dandruff issues.
I can't see how you didn't notice it.It's just as obvious as A7X 's similarity to CoB
I'm not a fake account! I'm real! If i didn't like Bodom, i wouldn't even bother coming on here and if i didn't love ALexi this way, then wouldn't i have been gone a long time ago?!
I'm not gonna post a pic of myself. I don't want you to see it. Maybe when i have exactly 1000 posts i will. My pic isn't for free.