Avid HD Native + Omni


Jan 14, 2011
I'm looking at moving from Mac / Metric halo to PC / HD.. Big pro tools guy, anyone have experience with Avid Omni and HD Native?

Pro's / Con's etc.
Ive never worked with a PC and Native PT but i use a Mac Pro with a Native rig and it is rock solid. I recommend a 10k rpm drive for your record drive if you can grab one. Keeps the "cant get audio from the drive fast enough" errors down. Only catch to the Native thing is watching your buffer size. I run it @ 64 samples at 48khz and have no latency issues.
Ive never worked with a PC and Native PT but i use a Mac Pro with a Native rig and it is rock solid. I recommend a 10k rpm drive for your record drive if you can grab one. Keeps the "cant get audio from the drive fast enough" errors down. Only catch to the Native thing is watching your buffer size. I run it @ 64 samples at 48khz and have no latency issues.

Native rig as in Pro Tools HD and Omni interface?

It's an Avid Audio solution used in a fair few studios.
Why are you considering the move to PC? Everything is pretty rock solid as far as Mac & PT goes, never had any issues apart from the occasional bug that hits everyone (early adoption of new versions etc.).

Also, why the Omni & PT HD? Are you planning on recording drums/live bands or just overdubs/demos? If you're going to use all the connectivity of the Omni, I can sort of understand. But if it's just for basic tracking etc, a FAR cheaper option would be the standard PT and something like an Mbox or Apogee Duet.
Why are you considering the move to PC? Everything is pretty rock solid as far as Mac & PT goes, never had any issues apart from the occasional bug that hits everyone (early adoption of new versions etc.).

Also, why the Omni & PT HD? Are you planning on recording drums/live bands or just overdubs/demos? If you're going to use all the connectivity of the Omni, I can sort of understand. But if it's just for basic tracking etc, a FAR cheaper option would be the standard PT and something like an Mbox or Apogee Duet.

The cost of another mac is very expensive, mine is old and long in the tooth not coping well with studio track counts and plugs. So I built an I7 3770K 8gb etc. for around £600.00

I'm not a massive fan of the converters in the Avid Mbox as I have a Pro Already, or the pre-amps I've also had the Duet which are ok, this is for studio use and also for personal use.. So it needs to be high quality and reliable. I heard the Avid Omni converters and Pre's are right up there.

I have a couple of set's of monitors, so I need I/O for them.. I re-amp so I need S/Pdif (Dry signal) I also have some API pre's which will also need I/O and outboard comps..

If you can suggest an 6 in 6 out or above with the same quality pre's and converters for less than £2600.00 / $4000.00 I'm all ears.. The Omni is an 8x8

I figure get the best of what I need now and never need to upgrade again :)
The highend line is nowhere near mbox quality and has never been. Everyone seems to love the new converters, i never heard them though. But if you don't need more i/o and wont be needing it in the future the Omni seems to be a nice high-end packade, although a bit pricey. Lynx aurora 8/8 would probably work great for you and the ad/da quality vs the omni wont matter in that high-end league. You could probably ad a Crane Song avocet and still end up with the same amount :)
The highend line is nowhere near mbox quality and has never been. Everyone seems to love the new converters, i never heard them though. But if you don't need more i/o and wont be needing it in the future the Omni seems to be a nice high-end packade, although a bit pricey. Lynx aurora 8/8 would probably work great for you and the ad/da quality vs the omni wont matter in that high-end league. You could probably ad a Crane Song avocet and still end up with the same amount :)

That's pretty much what I've been hearing.. I'm still wondering if the Apogee Symphony might be the way to go, the 2X6 is cheaper than the Aurora and supposed to be on Par or "Slightly better" in some peoples opinion with the Omni.

I have API and Warm Audio Pre's already, so I don't need the PRE expansion unit. But then there is the cost of a new Mac to add to that, still comes in slightly cheaper (New mac and Symphony = £2.5K GBP vs. Avid Omni / HD = 3.1K GBP).