AVID Pro Tools 10 & new hardware!

Yeah I upgraded for free :) I got in on the grace period cause I only just brought PT9 like a week before hand I would not even consider paying for it the only change I see is the splash screen LOL
This is getting pretty old, guys. Honestly, if you're been doing fine with the old HD systems so far, no-one forces you to upgrade anything. Plenty of studios will be running their "obsolete" HD rigs for years.

Life gets easier when you accept this mindset:
1) If I need something, I buy it.
2) If I can't afford it, I'll put money aside until I can.
3) If I think something is too expensive for what it is, then I probably don't genuinely need it.

Like it or not, the HD architecture is ancient technology and it had to be ditched one day. And surprisingly it won't happen for free. Don't worry, though, the current HD rigs won't magically stop working because they're replaced with a newer model.

^This. It seems like every time a new version of PT comes out there's a thread like this.
Your current pro tools system still works. And if it's too expensive to upgrade then DON'T UPGRADE!
Well, not working for me because I can't use my interface's low latency mixer. So I'll keep complaining until Avid fixes their shit.
By the way they're getting shitstormed in the DUC forums and their Facebook pages for days now.. sooner or later they will have to react somehow. Here's hoping they give 50% off the upgrade prices.
Well, not working for me because I can't use my interface's low latency mixer. So I'll keep complaining until Avid fixes their shit.
By the way they're getting shitstormed in the DUC forums and their Facebook pages for days now.. sooner or later they will have to react somehow. Here's hoping they give 50% off the upgrade prices.

+1, then I'll upgrade and most likely sell my copy (since PT9 is worth nothing now) and move to Cubase until Avid decides to get their shit together :p

Unless they do something soon - It seems like stock in Steinberg/Apple might be worth investing in with all the people moving to their DAWs after bailing on PT :D

Also - To those of you saying stick with Pro Tools 9 if you can't afford 10 and to stop whining - MANY people have had serious issues running PT9 on their systems. Not only does it not work correctly on OSX Lion, it also doesn't run securely on Windows 7 (which is the only version of Windows it can be installed on). People are pissed because they have to pay $300+ for support on a system that should have been released as an update, for free.

Personally, the pricing doesn't really affect me, because I don't really need any of the "new features" they give you with version 10, nor have I had any serious issues with running it on my system (a few bugs here and there, but not something that's happening constantly). It's more the fact that I just bought PT9 in July for $600, and now Avid is valuing my version at half of what I paid. Three weeks ago, I could've traded my license straight across for Cubase 6, and had I known the update price was going to be so ridiculous (or that they were even coming out with a new version so soon already), I would've gotten rid of it when I had the chance. Had the update been $150, there would be no issue (though, still ridiculous only a year after releasing 9). I feel like I just wasted my hard earned money for a slap in the face by Avid.
For everyone that didn't check out Lasses Photoshop-Thread:



+1, then I'll upgrade and most likely sell my copy (since PT9 is worth nothing now) and move to Cubase until Avid decides to get their shit together :p

Unless they do something soon - It seems like stock in Steinberg/Apple might be worth investing in with all the people moving to their DAWs after bailing on PT :D
i worked with steinberg producst (mostly nuendo, but even cubase) since i was 17, that means 10 years.. and I really LOVE that way of making music.. but since i moved to work into a studio, and started to work with PT7DH i can't use nuendo/cubase anymore.. i don't know why, but PT way of editing, puncing and visualizing is so sharp that i can't use anything else anymore.

Also - To those of you saying stick with Pro Tools 9 if you can't afford 10 and to stop whining - MANY people have had serious issues running PT9 on their systems. Not only does it not work correctly on OSX Lion, it also doesn't run securely on Windows 7 (which is the only version of Windows it can be installed on). People are pissed because they have to pay $300+ for support on a system that should have been released as an update, for free.
this is true. from the 9.0.0 version to the 9.0.2 they solved 26 (i said TWENTY SIX) pdf pages (a4, font size 10) of bugs!! this is embarrassing in m opinion.. and it still crashes.
"There's been a lot of great feedback from the community on the launch of Pro Tools 10 and HDX. There's also been a lot of discussion on the price of the Pro Tools HD 10 software upgrade. I'd like to address some of those concerns, and also want to revisit the $599 Avid Support Contract details I spoke about earlier in the week [on Avid Audio Forums]. We have some updates that should clear up some of the confusion around that..." Continue on Avid Audio Forums: http://duc.avid.com/showthread.php?t=310384
"There's been a lot of great feedback from the community on the launch of Pro Tools 10 and HDX. There's also been a lot of discussion on the price of the Pro Tools HD 10 software upgrade. I'd like to address some of those concerns, and also want to revisit the $599 Avid Support Contract details I spoke about earlier in the week [on Avid Audio Forums]. We have some updates that should clear up some of the confusion around that..." Continue on Avid Audio Forums: http://duc.avid.com/showthread.php?t=310384

Anyone else having the link not work, or the avid site... I can't wait to read this horseshit.
how the hell is clip-gain a novelity? reaper could do this for ages... i was seriously considering upping to protools 10 but the more i dig into the software the superior reaper seems to me... the biggest downside of reaper would be the need to get a lot of aftermarket plugins.
how the hell is clip-gain a novelity? reaper could do this for ages... i was seriously considering upping to protools 10 but the more i dig into the software the superior reaper seems to me... the biggest downside of reaper would be the need to get a lot of aftermarket plugins.

So because another DAW has these features already, it's stupid for Avid to implement them in PT? They didn't exactly say it's a groundbreaking new innovation, just a feature the users asked for.

If you feel Reaper is the right choice for you, that's cool. Then use it.
