Awesome archery video and is that The Odyssey at the end?


Cold Forged
Oct 26, 2004
Well I was just perusing YouTube for videos of people using Compound bows, and discovered this:

YouTube - Insane Archery Skills

Is that The Odyssey at the end? I don't know if the orchestral part at the start of TO is original or not (excuse my ignorance) but it sounds very much like it from what I can hear on my crappy work speakers!

Also, :OMG:
It is. This is ze old newz.

Oh great, one of THOSE people...

I never did get why people whinge so much when someone posts something they've seen before. It only happens on internet forums.

By the way, that video is so cool that it has the RIGHT to be posted more than once.

Oh great, one of THOSE people...

I never did get why people whinge so much when someone posts something they've seen before. It only happens on internet forums.

By the way, that video is so cool that it has the RIGHT to be posted more than once.


HAH! You are actually allowed to say "pwned" in response to your own rebuttal? I thought someone else had to recognize it. I'd hardly say you "pwned" him. This is seriously the best post of the week, but not in an "i'm laughing with you" sort of way... more like that "i'm laughing at you" kind.