Axe-FX. Rate my guitar tone.


Jocke Skog
Jan 8, 2007
Stockholm - Sweden
I bought myself an Axe-FX. It's a modeler that kicks all other modelers colorful a***s, IMO. ;) It has the regular "Gain-bass-mid-treble-Presence", but also "Depth-Damp-Sag-Master"-controls. Then there's the "Advance" tab.;) The speaker sims are Impulse Responses with an additional "Drive" control that emulates a speaker that's cranked. It works and yes, you can add your own. This is the "new rectifier" model with the "Tube driver" (tube screamer) in front, with a custom IR I've made. I also tweaked the "poweramp" so I got more punch and less sag. It's tweakable close to the Revalvers tube customization, but it's a two space rack unit hardware machine. With custom IR's.

It's a Gibson LesPaul Baritone through the Axe-FX (quad tracked, one with the volume knob turned down for better clarity) with some Low-pass @ 80hz and High-pass @ 12khz. The bass is an 5-string Epiphone SG3 also through the Axe-FX, with the same Rectifier model without the "pre" and an Ampeg-IR blended with the same guitar IR. Drums are programmed and sounds like :Puke:, but better than nothing.

I cranked the guitars on the mix, so no comments on the balance between the instruments, please ;)

Did I say it can take custom cab IR's? :rock:
that sounds really good man. Axe-FX does look pretty damn cool. I wish it had more high gain amp models though. Especially a 5150. Why do hardly any amp modellers have a 5150? It's always a dual rectifier and a jcm800.
Soldano 100, Diezel VH4, Engl powerball, JCM900, More mesas, Custom metal models. I wouldn't worry about that. The biggest sound-changing thing is the cab anyway.
After tweaking with the AFX, I think I could "create" a 5150 by tweaking the Soldano100 model. All I'd need is a recording of a 5150 without a TS in front (or with for all that matters, but to make the AMP sound alike...) going through an IR, the same DI signal (so I can run it through the AFX) and the IR to get the cab character right.

It would be fun to give it a shot, at least.

Edit: Oh, thanks jhakwe. =)
Holy FUCK those palm mutes remind me of fucking Meshuggah. Me thinks I'll be looking into an AXE-FX as a possible addition :)

sounds scooped. in a good way but nothing that impresses me much.

How about doing some clip with crunchy mids? that's where all of them fail to deliver...

nice job though...
Sounds good, but I've yet to hear an Axe-FX clip that makes me think I need one over any one of the POD's, especially at the Axe-FX price point.

I've heard quite a number of clean to mid gain clips and they don't sound that good, IMO, and that's where all the cork sniffers on TGP say the Axe-FX shines.