AYDY note.

Heavenscent said:
I agree.

Plus, we didn't come here to bash this album. We were already here.
Since you write you, i assume that you meant me too.



Better do, it beats AYDY by a long shot. It swings.

thanks dude, appreciate it
Elysian893 said:

on a serious note, if i were sitting here sucking alexi's little dick like all you fanboi faggots, you'd love my music.
your music is questionable..

plus, im not sitting here being an alexi fanboi.. Just saying that criticising the new album how you have, makes you sound lost.
ekCo said:
your music is questionable..

plus, im not sitting here being an alexi fanboi.. Just saying that criticising the new album how you have, makes you sound lost.
questionable? what is that supposed to mean? or did you just pull that out of your ass?

i guess if you had at least half a brain, you'd be able to criticize the new album too.
Elysian893 said:
questionable? what is that supposed to mean? or did you just pull that out of your ass?

i guess if you had at least half a brain, you'd be able to criticize the new album too.
you need to work on your guitar solos dude...the song wasnt real bad but it sounded really generic and kinda like a slayer rip off (listened to slaves in words)
BoDoM0311 said:
you need to work on your guitar solos dude...the song wasnt real bad but it sounded really generic and kinda like a slayer rip off (listened to slaves in words)

slaves in words? wtf did you listen to? thats a song from my old band, which isn't on my myspace. my old band still sounds like a slayer ripoff, they suck at life. i fucking hate slayer to be honest. i can't take any writing credits for my old band, that was all erik's boring riffs. i fucking hate their singer too, he's a waste of life, worst singer i've ever heard.
Elysian893 said:
slaves in words? wtf did you listen to? thats a song from my old band, which isn't on my myspace. my old band still sounds like a slayer ripoff, they suck at life. i fucking hate slayer to be honest. i can't take any writing credits for my old band, that was all erik's boring riffs. i fucking hate their singer too, he's a waste of life, worst singer i've ever heard.

why dont you tell us how you really feel???:grin:
Final_Product said:
Seriously...if the debate on AYDY? must continue please raise the tone to mature, and stop repeatedly spouting bullshit when its already clear what your view is.
Thank you.


ekCo said:
imo I loved the album.
In your opinion you loved the album? Well, in my opinion you didn't. ;)

Now, seriously: Have you considered the possibility that people are criticizing the album not because the previous person did so but because they truly think it sucks? I haven't heard the album, but if so many people say it's no good compared to "Something wild", "Hatebreeder" and "Hate crew deathroll", which i have heard, then i don't think i want to listen to something that will shatter COB's reputation on my list (not that i would hate the band for just one album, of course). This means that i won't speak shit about the album, but i still find this thread (of which the message is basically "people who criticize COB's new album should die a very horrible death because they're complete idiots") to be a very sad one in the sense that its infinite stupidity is saddening. If you liked the album, which you clearly did, good for you! That's one more cd you'll be adding to your collection and nine more songs to listen to than people who didn't like it have. But that doesn't mean that everyone else has to like it. It doesn't mean that anyone else has to like it. Maybe a lot of people hate it. Maybe the vast majority of COB fans were horribly disappointed with it. Does that entitle you to flame them and wish death for them all? I won't answer that; i'll let you answer it for yourself.

You know, Day_Before_Dawn has a point. "Fanboyism" is extremely annoying. I don't want to start a discussion about politics, but i'll use this analogy: to like every single album a band puts out just because you're a fan is exactly the same as supporting a stupid decision made by a president just because you were born and live in a country (i believe every moderately intelligent person who reads this will understand the analogy). "Fanboyism" is just as fucked up as nationalistic fanaticism is, with the only exception that fanboyism isn't important in mankind's history. Just think about it for a while.

To criticize an album doesn't mean you hate a band. On the contrary: It just goes to show how much you like the band. It means that you care enough to buy or download the album, carefully listen to it, form an opinion and write something comparing it to previous albums.


Shagoroth: Of course this is at least the 15th thread about AYDY. Or did you really expect COB fans to be silent about the new album? You can't say everything there is to say about an album in a single thread.


LifeDepraved said:
Seriously who can sit through 40 minutes of music?!?!?!
I can if the music is really good. And i'm sure most people don't just sit down and listen to a whole album. They listen to it while doing other stuff. Unless the album is amazing beyond words.

Is it really necessary to put so many !s and ?s at the end of that question?


Something_Wild: I, for one, would say the same things on a forum than to a band member's face. It's stupid to post shit on a board and then go on to say the opposite shit to a band member. Just so you know. I do agree on saying why the album sucks, though. You have a point there. It's also stupid to say something without knowing why you're saying it.


COBSteele02: Wrong. I post a lot more on the Dark Tranquillity forum than i do here (because DT is my favorite band, but that's not the point), and that's a band who releases a different album each time around. They don't totally change (the essence of DT is still there), but each album is something different. I believe this enriches what a band has to offer. While liking COB's earlier work (namely the three albums i mentioned above) quite a bit, i do have to admit that it does sound more or less like the same album over and over with only slight variations, a different color cover and more or less different song titles. And i'm not the only one: most people on the DT board accept and even like that DT changes a bit with every new album. And they're not just stupid fanatic fanboys. Some of the people over there are quite smart and good arguers.


Elysian893 said:
on a serious note, if i were sitting here sucking alexi's little dick like all you fanboi faggots, you'd love my music.
That is sadly true. Mindless zombies who go with the flow because it's easier than going against it; that's what most people are. And, since they're mindless, they speak illogical shit and say whatever they think will earn them a better reputation. (Not talking about any of you in particular, just stating a horrible truth about most of humankind.)
UndoControl said:
I don't want to start a discussion about politics, but i'll use this analogy: to like every single album a band puts out just because you're a fan is exactly the same as supporting a stupid decision made by a president just because you were born and live in a country (i believe every moderately intelligent person who reads this will understand the analogy).

You said anal!!! <O.o> :lol::lol::loco::lol:

One of the best posts in this thread. Thank you too.
DeadnightWarrior said:
Just a little something I've noticed...

Most the people who have joined this forum post-2005, like the new albums better... coincidence? I don't know.

That is so true. There are alot of new COB fans in here now, joining in 2005. Most from Sept-Nov. And a large portion of them (if not all of them? please prove me wrong) think AYDY is the best COB album. Or they think it is good. Which it isn't. It blows. They have not lived through the transition of COB's music, and thus cannot understand the rage. Me thinks.
j0tun said:
That is so true. There are alot of new COB fans in here now, joining in 2005. Most from Sept-Nov. And a large portion of them (if not all of them? please prove me wrong) think AYDY is the best COB album. Or they think it is good. Which it isn't. It blows. They have not lived through the transition of COB's music, and thus cannot understand the rage. Me thinks.

Well, I recently joined the phorum, because I just got my Internet connection about a year ago (Want to live in a 3d world country, anyone? Nope? Are U sure? Ok, gut for you.)

However, I've been a long time COB fan, and I really have to say that this album was truly a dissapointment (something like Demons and Wizards 2: Touched by the Crimsom King = CRAP). It's not that it really sucked, but when you're accostumed to good ol' COB you feel somewhat sad, since COB up to HCDR was amazing.

The album is not bad (well...maybe a few songs), but the band could have done MUCH better than they did.

I guess nothing will surpass Follow the Reaper, but I hope that the following records become MUCH better than this.

PS: Maybe Alexi has to stop listening to System of a Down...
What im trying to get out is, people have been criticising the album since its release and its starting to get old.. if you keep on giving it shit, you will find cob will throw it..

One little spark and your all off.. grow up seriously. I have been listening to cob for ages and never really signed to their forums because so many childish people surf forums. And it really does show it from now. Think what you like but in the end.. cob have still been a great band even if their new album blows.. I only like Are you Dead yet.. The rest are shameful to have cob written on it.
But i still enjoy their music.

Keep your own opinions but yelling it out ever thread isnt going to help. Just makes you look stupid.
ekCo said:
What im trying to get out is, people have been criticising the album since its release and its starting to get old.. if you keep on giving it shit, you will find cob will throw it..

One little spark and your all off.. grow up seriously. I have been listening to cob for ages and never really signed to their forums because so many childish people surf forums. And it really does show it from now. Think what you like but in the end.. cob have still been a great band even if their new album blows.. I only like Are you Dead yet.. The rest are shameful to have cob written on it.
But i still enjoy their music.

Keep your own opinions but yelling it out ever thread isnt going to help. Just makes you look stupid.
so, what you're saying, is you're joonas?