AYDY question

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Human Killing Human
Jul 8, 2006
Hamilton, Ontario
COB are one of my top favs but I know you guys arn't stupid to know that I have not listened to Bodom as long as some of you have. People are always knocking AYDY. I myself had no problem with it. Don't get me wrong its not as good as the stuff before it. On other websites it has good reviews. I don't no maybe its just me
Audun_Of_Bodom said:
COB are one of my top favs but I know you guys arn't stupid to know that I have not listened to Bodom as long as some of you have. People are always knocking AYDY. I myself had no problem with it. Don't get me wrong its not as good as the stuff before it. On other websites it has good reviews. I don't no maybe its just me

Yeh, all the real, sensible fans feel the way you do. AYDY was a great album, period. Just some people wanna play the 'I'm the guitar pro (wannabe), I know skillagedness' and knock Alexi/the band just to try and sound cool or whatever. It's sad, but no one takes them seriously anyways.

Also, doesn't matter how long someone has been listening to Bodom, that really means shit.

Expect another 5 fucking pages of bullshit from that loser that created those other 2 threads.

I like AYDY, btw.
Seriously, move on from bashing AYDY. It is not that good of an album, but it is also not that bad of an album.
yea but in its own way the bad production adds to the vibe of the album....at least for me
Out of curiosity... WHAT the FUCK does it matter if someone makes a similar thread? I mean, does it really even matter that much to you?

I never understood this... could one of you leet people explain it to me? becuase you're always watching these boards all day and night...
In Your Face said:
Out of curiosity... WHAT the FUCK does it matter if someone makes a similar thread? I mean, does it really even matter that much to you?

I never understood this... could one of you leet people explain it to me? becuase you're always watching these boards all day and night...
because if we have explained and discussed somehting 3 days before,it is stupid that the same thread has been made,not mentioning that the "What is wrong with AYDY threads ahve been done many many times"
whats even more disturbing is that when i found it i was listening to natural genocide by krisiun :-/
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