B.C Rich ironbird Yes Or No ?

comfortable...er..not really!

great sound...I like it, depends on what your going for. you may want to upgrade the pickups eventually, but the NJ series is fairly good quality for a low price.

the real issue is playability, and in my opinion, BC Rich makes some of the fastest necks in the world, comparable to any shredmachine out there.
if the price is right go for it. I wouldnt mind another BC Rich myself.
one thing about the iron bird is you notice that lil thing on the inside top of the guitar? that sorta sharp pointy thing, i hear it digs. i had a friend who played a beast and that was his complaint. he also plays rather high. so if you play middle to low i dont think it would be a problem. i would suggest trying one. if you cant find an ironbird find a beast to play
I have a BC Rich Ironbird and a USA Jackson RHoads, the Ironbird is best while sitting down, BUT the jack jams into your leg if you are like me and put the V notch against your leg. (get a 90 degree angled jack) standing up the Ironbirds headstock dips down if you let go of the neck. Its comfortable standing up except fot the balance problem.
Urk. I'm familiar w. that too...I had an Epiphone SG for a while that I couldn't play standing for that very reason (I hate the feeling of having to lift the neck up while I'm playing). I was actually considering putting a thick iron plate in the back of it to balance it up, but I sold it off before those plans got any further.
I got a B.C Rich Warlock : it has the same balance problem but i got to say : B.C Rich guitars are not for chicks they are made for real men with long hairs....muhaha
but the sound is fucking great
you can listen to Mayhems European legions to have the sound of a B.C rich live...enjoy
I have an NJ Warlock... I'm basically a beginner even though I've played for shits and giggles for years, but I have the problem of the headstock diving to the ground when I play standing up.... And for some reason, when I play standing up, my left hand (fretting hand) cramps up like a motherfucker after about 10 seconds... Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Never had anyone actually show me anything about playing a guitar, so I'm probably just doing something stupid that's common knowledge to any other guitarist.
...when I play standing up, my left hand (fretting hand) cramps up like a motherfucker after about 10 seconds...

First of all, make sure you're not using excessive force. Be as relaxed in your hand as you are when you're playing "normally".

It could be that you're just not used to standing and playing. When you're standing, the guitar is in a very different position from when you're sitting and playing. You could try to adjust the strap and find a position that suits you better. Just keep in mind that if you have it too far down, you'll get problems with your technique - and if it's too far up you'll look like a dork. =)

Also see if angling the neck up or down feels better - figure out what's more comfortable to you. If you've been sitting down and playing all your life, you'll have to adjust a bit. Plus, it really does help a lot if the guitar is well balanced. A neck-heavy one will wear you out faster. Maybe you could attach some kind of counter-weight hanging from the rear strap button? =) I dunno, sounds goofy, but it might work...

Funny flashback:
You could also do what one guy we had once did. He'd also always been playing while sitting, until he was invited to fill in for our lead guitarist during one gig. He was a good player and did well on the show - but whenever he was soloing, he would drop to stand on one knee. If he didn't, he just couldn't pull the solos off. =)
I'm sure the neck is too heavy... I have to use too much force to support it with my palm while I'm playing, and I think that's what's making my hand cramp up. If I just let go of the guitar while I'm standing, the neck dips down lower than the body of the guitar. If I'm sitting down, or if I prop my leg up on something while I'm standing up to keep the body more stable, I have no problems. Maybe I need a new axe :lol: But I'm broke....:(
Ah I see - it's the SG phenomenon. =(

One thing I tried with the SG was to use needles to secure the strap to my clothing...but the SG was so damn neck heavy that it would still dip...and since the strap was fastened, the sweater would wrap around me instead. :lol:
im buying a custom ran king v later this year which is practically a bc rich so it will be interesting to see if you can sit down with it. in my opinion bc rich make some of the finest guitars around and the necks are unbelievably fast, i agree with sunbane, real men play standing up, i only sit down with my fender.
RR1...good choice I'd say, but very expensive...at least here in Europe. If you could import it directly, it would probably take a good chunk out of the price. Here in Sweden, prices on USA guitars are absolutely ridiculous.

I have an RR3 (of japanese make w. bolt-on neck). It's a tad neck heavy (those bodies are very lightweight), but not to the extent that it affects my playing.