Back from Yuma


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
So yah...I went to Yuma, Arizona on the 21st, and I'm baaack.

I went there for a jewelry symposium, and many things happened during the trip. Here's a random sampling *I'll post pics later...*

I drove 16 hours (both ways), saw a horrific car accident (and a dead guy that was launched from his semi), showed two pieces of jewelry, got food poisoned (only a little), camped out in the dirt, had my first shot of tequila, tried my first Humboldt county "brownie" (I had a nickel-sized piece and was stoned out of my mind), went to Mexico for 2 hours, and finally got my boar skull in the mail :Spin:

For the most part, I had a lot of fun. But I really need sleepies....:zombie: