Back In The Day!

Thunder are pretty good actually :)

Never really got into Wolfsbane, and I gotta say Quireboys and Wrathchild are the exact 2 bands I had in mind when I said I don't like many British bands haha! I hate Quireboys, can't stand them... and I had "Stakk Attakk" picture vinyl by Wrathchild and sold it when I needed money. The only good thing about it was the awesome Shout At The Devil-esque photo haha! The band sucks!
Wolfsbane! :rock: The Quireboys! :rock:

Dunno why anyone would hate the Quireboys. They rule. Sex Party is one of the greatest songs of all time - it'd be my Australian Idol audition song if I didn't think I'd get a No vote from Marcia.
I hate the Quireboys because I don't really like their sound and I haven't heard any songs that have caught my attention yet. I find them very boring.
Here are some photos from the night! I glammed myself up 1989 style to go with my recently peroxided hair for it haha!



Hahaha like my Vinnie Vincent Invasion shirt? :lol: Not that you can see it all that well lol.
Looking at that top one, it kinda looks like me and Conan (the other guy in the middle, and yep thats his real name lol) are '80s rock stars and Aaron and Stan on the outside are fans who've just met us and getting a photo with us haha! The poses and everything! Not to mention the leather overload lol.
I know, I meant to before I went out but then ended up being in too much of a rush and forgot about it lol. Especially since my facial hair is different colour to my head hair HAHA!
Bret Michaels has a beard happening in Every Rose Has Its Thorn video too heh. Axl often had one too but looked WAY better without it. As did all of them, I'm not one for facial hair personally I prefer to be clean shaven.