Bah at you all!

^ Some people are not even capable of producing a proper opinion, or don't even bother to. They just say something like "I'm not going to buy the album", or "I'm not going to listen to the album".

Some others say it's plain bad music and that the band sold out, etc. stating it not as their opinion but as a fact. They keep repeating this stuff over and over and over again. It is beyond just "disagreeing" or having a different opinion (there are posters such as Detective who aren't too crazy about this album and yet their opinions are most respectable), it's about being trollish, ungrateful and disrespectful to the band in its own official forum. They're not fans, they just demand the music they want to hear from the band, and when they don't get it they simply bash the band, even if the music is still excellently made and better than most of the stuff out there. If someone disagrees with this last statement then I challenge you to write, record, and post a song that is half as good as the worst song on Iconoclast. That's right. You can't, punk. :Smokedev:


I'm glad you like the new disc because it's better then most stuff being made.... You can't make this stuff up!

I gave both discs a few listens and it's just like most stuff being made so we'll have to disagree about that.. I don't feel they brought anything new to the table at least that was to my liking. I'm glad that I got to listen to it and even happier that I didn't drop a penny for it since it'll be lost at the bottom of the stack of new stuff which is better....
It's pointless to complain about people complaining, and I don't think anyone is suggesting that no one is allowed to criticise Symphony X or say one of their songs or albums is less than amazing... I think what bothers people is just the fact that the forum becomes full of people just going on about how much they don't like them. I don't like My Chemical Romance, but I don't go to a forum about them and constantly post about how much I dislike them and how terrible their albums are. I'd only bother going to post on the forum of a band if I actually liked them.

The problem with long running bands though is that people like their old stuff (or like them at one point), then when their stuff changes, the person's musical taste changes, or new albums just fail to live up to old "classics" because that is almost impossible, they linger around and constantly post about how much they don't like the new stuff. They have every right to do that, but it can get tiring for people who actually like the band. It would be like if this forum was full of people who just didn't like any Symphony X album, but insisted on coming on to post about how DWOT or V sucks. They have every right to do that, but it would get rather annoying, and you would just wonder why they don't take it elsewhere and leave the forum for people who do enjoy the albums.
Another sad clown, totally missing the point.

Maybe you people should learn how to read, or at least stop trying to pretend that appearing smart on the Internet actually makes you smart. Because then you look dumb when you obviously haven't been paying attention.

Speaking of "sad clowns" how about the one who started this thread?:)
And I did read every comment on this thread twice before responding and you come off as a whiny 13 year old girl who didn't get a pony for her birthday. If you don't like this forum, then gtfo.

Again, you have completely missed the point. Did you ever finish high school? Because with English comprehension skills like that, I'm surprised you can even spell the word 'responding'.

I was NOT saying that people can't have an opinion. What I WAS saying that a) Stop hijacking every damn thread to express said opinion (We get it, you don't like the album, stop shouting) and b) Symphony X are entitled to write whatever the hell they want.

Now do you get it, or do I need to dumb it down to the point where a 5 year old could read it?
Some others say it's plain bad music and that the band sold out, etc. stating it not as their opinion but as a fact. They keep repeating this stuff over and over and over again. It is beyond just "disagreeing" or having a different opinion (there are posters such as Detective who aren't too crazy about this album and yet their opinions are most respectable), it's about being trollish, ungrateful and disrespectful to the band in its own official forum.

Thank you for the kind words.

Again, you have completely missed the point. Did you ever finish high school? Because with English comprehension skills like that, I'm surprised you can even spell the word 'responding'.

I was NOT saying that people can't have an opinion. What I WAS saying that a) Stop hijacking every damn thread to express said opinion (We get it, you don't like the album, stop shouting) and b) Symphony X are entitled to write whatever the hell they want.

Now do you get it, or do I need to dumb it down to the point where a 5 year old could read it?

I definitely agree that people's opinions of Iconoclast should be restricted to one or two main threads, but you simply can't hold everyone to that. A new album just came out, and people are excited and/or disappointed and may feel the need to respond to a post that discusses said album, regardless of the thread it is located in. The internet is not (and probably never will be) a properly-archived library.

Symphony X are indeed allowed to write whatever they please, but in a similar vein we are allowed to comment on it in whatever way we please.

I generally agree with you, but it seems that you are acting hostile for no other reason than to act hostile. What's the point? Just don't respond to it! Throwing around insults on the internet is 100% useless, guaranteed.
I generally agree with you, but it seems that you are acting hostile for no other reason than to act hostile. What's the point? Just don't respond to it! Throwing around insults on the internet is 100% useless, guaranteed.

I dislike the insinuations that I have said something that I have not, and therefore that makes me an idiot, according to the only two people I have been openly hostile towards. It bothers me when people who give me the impression of being Smart On The Internet aren't paying attention and I have to repeat myself over and over to deaf ears.
I dislike the insinuations that I have said something that I have not, and therefore that makes me an idiot, according to the only two people I have been openly hostile towards. It bothers me when people who give me the impression of being Smart On The Internet aren't paying attention and I have to repeat myself over and over to deaf ears.

I understand that you're frustrated, but I just don't think that your reaction in your last post was called for. I honestly recommend just ignoring them if they're bothering you. That's all I'm saying.
And I did read every comment on this thread twice before responding and you come off as a whiny 13 year old girl who didn't get a pony for her birthday. If you don't like this forum, then gtfo.

And if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is....
If the personal attacks continue, the thread will be closed, and people will get a nice little vacation from this forum....
"13 years whiny", "didn't finish high school", if the insults have any conscious or unconscious base, you guys should really get over your school traumas.

That ain't taking you anywhere, boys.
Man, what a great thread.

So you know when you take a dump and your ass seems like its probably clean cuz the last toilet paper wipe came up with no brown on it? Well I often will wipe one more time just to make sure, cuz I hate it when I don't wipe well and my ass starts to itch later. I call this "the good measure wipe".