Balanced World?


Tattooed by darkness
Dec 5, 2004
New Fuckin' England
OK, so a few things that happened this week, and I realized that there must be some balance in this world, and it just so happens to pertain directly to Novembers Doom....

Now, you first must understand that I live in an extremely small town (2,000 people), and the city next door has only 15,000 people, so the whole area I live in is quite small...anyways, I was at the local bowling alley the other night in said "city", and the local teens were playing radio rock on the juke box. Just for hahas, I went over to the juke box and was quite impressed at such a high-tech machine, seriously. There was a feature to "search" for artists, no different than Google, Yahoo, etc...and just for shits and grins, I typed in "Novembers Doom"...and to my surprise, TWTF came up as music I could play!:rock: Naturally, I did...the whole CD. Man, did I piss off a lot of the older "regulars". But bowling to ND has to be one of the coolest experiences I have had in a while! :kickass:

Now, here is where the balance kicks in...I was at work, and telling someone of my experience at the bowling alley, and someone else was listening in, and replied, direct quote "Isn't Novembers Doom a Guns N Roses song?"!!!!!!!!:hypno:

What can one do? :rolleyes: Anyways, just thought I'd share this with everyone and wish all a safe and fun holiday season! Cheers!;)
I try to get people to listen to Novembers Doom. We need to spread this good shit out if its ever going to make it into a movie soundtrack.

Seriously though, I'm studying US History, and I have to learn about "flappers" and "Elvis". Just think: in the year 2115 highschool juniors in europe or china will learn about "Media and Entertainment in the U.S." or possibly "Life for Americans in the 00's".

My point: Do you want these new generations learning about superflous bullshit about how Rammstein was an "evil in our society" and how some nerd(who writes the darn history book) glorifies gwen stafani?


I say its about damn time Novembers Doom got some good recognition about how they entertain our lives.

Everyone who listens to rock today listens to old shit. AC/DC? Guns N Roses? that's last decade. It's good but its outdated.

Novembers Doom is the Ludwig Van Beethoven of our time.
But how much recognition do bands like Novembers Doom want? Truthfully, I never see bands labeled as "metal"(no correlation with"nu-metal"), all genres, becoming a huge force in the music industry. I do however see metal becoming a lot bigger, and more accepted, than it has been in the past.
I feel that ND bandmembers don't get caught up in all the bullshit. These guys are true artists, in that, they create the music and lyrics to an album or "document" and let those achievements speak for themselves. Isn't that what true art is? I'm sure they find it amusing that their music is heard in strange places--bowling alleys, weddings,funerals etc...etc. Somehow it all applies.