Band art - The forum gallery

Well, my "art" certainly pales in comparison, but this is the place to put it, eh?

After joining the street team, I thought it would be nice to have some “flyers”, if you will- just some bold, at least semi-cool things to get circulating around Tumblr and the Internet to hype up the new album.

So this is stuff I’ve made in the last month or so to promote “Stand Up and Fight”. I can’t draw, alas, so photo editing and a loose grip on design have been my weapons of choice. If you like them, feel free to pass them around, post them on your site/Facebook or whatever to promote the new album :kickass:

If you click them, they get bigger and look nicer, I promise.
^They are very intensive and striking, they have great atmosphere. :) I like both, the Mathias one is nicely aggressive thanks to the pose, and I like how "Fuck the guitar solos!" Is THE points tn that other poster, and the person "saying it" is in the background, but still has a big part. BUT maybe some more depth on that..? Like one more "cracking" layer of darker red to the edges, that would look even more awesome!

I also think you've put the right amount of levels on them, the images are clear, especially the Mathias one.
It's a big time consumer to find the exactly right amount of levels when vectorizing them. :lol: Suddenly 20 minutes has gone wen you can't decide.

Now if there were more pictures of the new costumes! Intensive one person portraits (Are there any yet..?) I'd love to see posterts like that of them.

(The new costume debute coming up tomorrow!)
you know, if you have (too much) freetime have nice ideas for designs, get some nice album-promoting designs coming, we can always gladly use them for The Varangian Guard to make it more diverse what people can post in order to promote it... :D

uuuuuuh me is looking forward to that :D (damnit that I am going to be home just in the evening in JKL XD)
Thanks guys :) Yeah, I'd love some high res pics with the new costumes. The pain of vectorizing like that is that the pic I use to do it has to be very good- decent resolution, lighting, etc. Otherwise it doesn't work, which was the problem with Olli's. Not a great quality source, but it had that "I will wreck you with my violin" pose that I was looking for, so I worked around it. If anyone has pics of the other members that are decent and you want me to try somewhat of the same style with it, I definitely would. I hate getting them randomly from the net because I don't want to take something without permission.

Can't wait to see your stuff tomorrow,'s always good! If I drew them it would be stick figures. Fantastic stick figures, but, you know.
I can only offer you to just try stalking down my photos ( in the gallery) and if you find anything you´d like to use, let me know and I´d send you the original size without copyright ;)
So here it is. Supposed to be "First photo session with new costumes." x)

I wonder how right I got all the pieces of the costumes by just seeing them from one angle or just a tiny bit of them...
..Fixed Tude's hair. :P Got it wrong at first.
Click on image for bigger version