Damn, transformers!! Kick ass Avatar!!
Whaha! It comes on the telly here, too!
The autobots and the decepticons are back!!

Only Optimus prime turned into a another wagon, i don't like 'm.
Bumblebee was my fav, whaha!
My mom never let me play with Barbies..i always ripped off their heads, or cut off their hair..or even worse: putting legs where arms had to be and vise versa!
Nah, the Transformer were the way to go for me, hihi!!
Or Jason and the Wheel-warriors..oh no!! cartoons!!
Geez, seems like another lifetime..'t was so long ago!!
Glad the kid in me will never die..i will always like cartoons!
xxx Iris xxx
Btw, about dvd's..heh.. (don't want to get this off topic)

Dunno if you could import it, but i guess Within Temptation's dvd is ok, too.
I'd prefer Nightwish though, but if you could import it, you could give it a try.
Well, i can mention a few others, but all's been said already so..
no new thoughts for ya, sorry!