Band-making thread? subforum?


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
Hi guys, for long now i've been looking for the right guys to make something worth the time spent, and make a band out of that, no problem if we play in the same room or i play in Argentina you play in fucken Saint Kitts and Nevis, i think there's many of us that can't really find the time to be stickying papers all over metal stores to find a bassist and all that kind of stuff, but we could get some cool tones if we do something (that's my guess of course)

So, if there's already post about band making from the sneap community (not the tribute band things) slap me in the face and gimme da link, if not, :err: let's make one.

/* EDIT */ dudes and dudettes out there, if you find it a kool idea, just reply +1, and let's make it happen /* EDIT */
next time i'll remember there's a poll option.
there's like a million of those on different genres and such, I haven't seen any of them get too far yet. I'm still bummed about the Drone project, it was sounding really good

If you want, when the Dio tribute is over and when we have some spare time we could revive the drone project?
If you want, when the Dio tribute is over and when we have some spare time we could revive the drone project?

Yeah I'd love to, but yeah let's finish this tribute and other RL stuff first!

oh you mean like a "I need bassist to record some songs" type of thread? That actually is a good idea, we could use an official thread for that, a subforum would be too much IMO. That's different than "I feel like writing some music, who wants to collaborate on a project?" which is what most threads have been about.

But yeah this is a good idea, I'm actually gonna be needing a guitarist to record me some tracks in the near future, and could use a thread like this
maybe all of those dio tribute threads should go there. there's a ridiculous amount of them here on the main page...

it's a good point, I hadn't seen that thread, I mean you could move the Dio tribute threads to the rate my mix section, but please don't put them all in one single thread cause that would TOTALLY fuck up the organization of the songs