Midget of doom!
What type of music did you play in Soulruin?I have played in bands with the following names: Disenchant, In Vulnus Abire, Arbour, Quoth the Raven, Soulruin and a few more I can't remember right now due to extreme hangover.
And there it is.
My new band is EXTREME HANGOVER. Fuck you if you think that's uncouth
i just sat and stared at the screen trying to come up with a band name when i noticed how silent it was. then i asked myself: when "silence" is the word for "nobody making a sound" is there also a word for "nobody writing something"? the word "blank" crossed my mind and i wondered if "blankness" is also a word and when i googled for "blankness" i found this:
Existential Blankness Of The Modern Human Being
it maybe a bit long and clumsy, but i'ld find it cool as a band name. call me a fool, but i'm not joking this time.
sounds like an alternate title for pt's fear of a blank planet really