When and how did you got into THE HAUNTED


Katatonia Brasil Staff
Aug 27, 2002
São Paulo - Brazil (BRASIL)
Hi there.....I was wondering that would be a good idea for you guys to share and tell us how and when did you get into THE HAUNTED........

Ok, I discovered the band about two years ago, when a friend of mine gave me a Metal Collection CD, and I heard a song called CHASM, and It blew my head off.!!!!!! Then I discovered that the name of the band was The Haunted and featured ex - At The Gates members and stuff.....
What about you?

One of my mates gave me a compliation CD about a year or so ago(can't remember what one it was called but there were a load of other Earache bands on there), and I listened to Bury Your Dead. Ever since then I've been hooked :grin:

Sweden rules!
Just went to the local cd store and picked a cd and bought it blindly. I do that often and although there is a big risk of buying a really bad album or to get unhappy (the last Rhapsody album) I haven't got all that misleaded
i was really big into At the Gates and when i found out what happened to the band after the split i bought the various member's new projects (a bunch of Lindberg CD's and THMMDI)
I downloaded Made Me Do It at first,and I never managed to listen to it to this day,maybe I will soon. Once One Kill Wonder came out I listened to Godpuppet and it blew me off. Rest is history. :)
My friend has a souce of constant good bands we've never heard of. The Haunted was introduced to me through this friend before THMMDI came out so probably during the later half of 99.
i was fan of Dew-Scented.. so i found al link from the official "the haunted" ste on the Dew-Scented site.
And then i downloaded "the world burns" from the site..
hmz.. that was.. i think... 2 years ago
I had heard of them for a long time & been told of how great they were so I finally got their first album and it kicked ass! Got the other albums as well after that... Since I saw them live a few months ago I will love them forever.
Well, i bought their debut album and like it a lot!:Spin:
Actually i was very disappointed to myself when i missed The haunted gigs they hold in Finland with Marcus Sunesson in sessionguitar from The Crown....:(:erk:
I heard of them on an Iced Earth message board...and I saw that they were coming to town so I downloaded some MP3s.

Looks like I'll hopefully be seeing them June 7th.
my friend bill here in nj runs a zine called...."the grimoire of exalted deeds", and i did an interview with sharlee of arch enemy/witchery in 2000 @ the march metal meltdown....i then met patrik jensen and got into the music from then on.