How did you discover Beseech?

A friend of mine sent me 'Wounded' via IRC, I fell in love with the song and started to listen to them. I had almost forgotten the whole band, when the same friend sent me Little Demonchild, and I fell for the band again.
Looked through the swedish close up and noted down a few interesting names on bands there, one was Beseech and damnit I'm glad I found it!
I got told about them by a online friend of mine. We have very simular music taste, so usually I love everything she does.
I was checking out a band on and it had a list of similar bands at the end of it. I checked out a couple and I have to say they completely sucked. The Beseech page had Soul's Highway and Gimme Gimme Gimme on it...I instantly fell in love with the songs and have been a fan ever since :)
well a friend of a friend was called Seechy and as I soon realized that Seechy was not her real name I began to wonder what the reasoning behind the name Seechy was, soon I found out that she really called herself Beseech and her friends had turned that into Seechy, not much later finding out that Beseech was a band(then checking them out), and a great band too!
I went to 2000 Decibel 2003. There I saw their flyers and I got interested when it was a bit odd for being a metal band (it was white). Then I looked closer and saw a female in the foreground, and I thought that I had to check them out. So it's Lotta's fault that I went to listen to them that day ;)
They were getting lots of promo on UM around the time Souls Highway was released, and I believe i downloaded the Between the Lines clip. Forgot about the band even though I liked that one song, but looked into them more closely when Drama came out and was very impressed.
A friend of mine brought down a mixed CD and when Beseech came on, I was like, "Who the hell is that?!" So then I started downloading everything I could find...

He had "Between the lines" right between Vintersorg's 'Astral and Arcane' and an Enslaved tune...what could be a better introduction!
I read Inferno Magazine and there was CD called Kiirastuli and on that CD was one Beseech -song, Drama. I liked it very much and I decided to byu their CD
So, I quite new fan of this band...
I saw a review of Drama and I got interested.I bought the album and I felt in love with the group.
I got Souls Highway from my ex-girlfriend :D interesting, isn't it ;) Well, I liked that album, but when Drama came out, I listened to clips, they sounded awsome, so I got the whole album :) best song -> Bitch >:)