How did you get into Katatonia?

7 Dying Trees

Bastard Albino Elf
Apr 18, 2002
The woodland fern
So how did you discover them? One of my friends kept telling me I'd love them, so I checked out some tunes of brave murder day,discouraged ones and tonights decision and ended uop buying the latter two, and then getting everything else I could. I just a bit amazed they managed to pass me by for so long, all that time I missed out!

How did you guys get into them?
:lol: yeah, im tired of writing the same thing over and over, good question though, just its been done too many times :D um, go to the search option at the top of your screen to find it if its not on the first few pages...
A one-time "friend" informed me that I should check them out, due to the fact that I was starting to become heavily interested in dark, atmospheric music. This was around 1994 or so, and I was very intrigued by the names of their releases...Dance Of December Souls and For Funerals To Come...But it was not until I read an interview with Anders in an issue of Terrorizer that I was convinced to purchase an album from them, which was Brave Murder Day (in Jan. 97)...I backtracked and bought their earlier releases and the rest is history. I had never heard a band express melancholy as effective as Katatonia did on Brave Murder Day and they have become my absolute favorite band of all time.