Band Recommendations...

I'm also getting into Rush. Now I know lots of you people like Rush! I've heard Moving Pictures and Permanent Waves so far. What are your top 5 Rush albums for a newbie?
Heckelgruber said:
I'm also getting into Rush. Now I know lots of you people like Rush! I've heard Moving Pictures and Permanent Waves so far. What are your top 5 Rush albums for a newbie?

beyond moving pictures and permanent waves?...

a farewell to kings
power windows
Exactly, great Rush list though Caress of Steel is in my top-5.

Jazz/reggae.....can't get more exact match than Charlie Hunter - Natty Dread. Covered the Marley album straight through, very dope.

I probably got the recommendation here, but this band Collapsar is rockin me right now. Great musicians that lie somewhere between Don Caballero and Cynic on the heaviness scale.
There are plenty of good Scandinavian bands out there, but for some good old fashioned old school Western-style rock and roll, check out the following two bands:

Early Man
The Sword

You will not be disappointed. Pay special attention to "Freya" on The Sword's Age of Winters album.