Band Sugesstions?


New Metal Member
May 3, 2019
I am looking to further my metal library and thought this would be a good place to start. About 4 years ago I started to delve deeper into my interests in metal. Prior to that I use to really only listen to mostly nu metal and thrash.

Now that I have discovered a trove of new bands over the years ive gotten into deathmetal, various core metal, punk (not metal but thought id include it), powermetal. prog, industrial and even some stoner metal bands. I find what connects with me the most in music is the power and energy some music gives of, especially if it brutal. That being said I am not a fan of genres like slam and black metal.

I tried to get into black metal but cant find a band I vibe well with. Though the only most notable bands I have listened to are Emporer, Behemoth and Cradle of Filth (if they are considered balck metal?). As for slam I just think its way too simple and repetitive.

Im open to anything though so throw whatever bands you love my way.
What are you fav bands? Judging by your avatar, you should check out Mastodon. As far as black metal is concerned, there's no easy way to understand and then enjoy it. I remember having despised it in the beginning but then ended up revelling in its beauteous and haunting territories. From my own experience, I'm aware that it's the vocals that constitute the insurmountable obstacle. Check out some of these and thank me later.