Band you woul most like to see live TODAY!

- Nightwish (never seen live)
- Lacuna Coil (never seen live)
- Death (never seen live)
- Therion (never seen live)
- After Forever (seen live once before)

Didn't include Opeth cuz I'll go and see them on December 2nd (first-timer!)

Oh, and in the category "never seen live and/or (probably) never will": Prong, Sepultura w/Max, Faith No More, Cynic, ...
I saw Prong once on Dynamo Open Air 1994, and I still have a videotape of their gig at the Bizarre Festival in '96 I believe. They should reform immediately! Does anyone know what Tommy Victor is up to nowadays?
Yknow, I'm sorry guys, but Opeth is pretty crap live. Talk about a snoozefest. For the Opeth obsessed, no matter how good or bad they are, it will be a dream come true to see them playing right in front of you. But from a subjective standpoint, they're boring as hell. No stage presence whatsoever, and most of the songs (particularly the new ones) sound like ass with their live arrangements. Dont flame me, keep it intelligent, please.

Anyway, I'd most love to see Pink Floyd at the height of their Floydness, or Mayhem before Euronymous was killed.

Nevermore would rule again too :D
I'd like to see Moonspell
...instead I'm seeing Apulanta :err:

Also Morbid Dream and Diablo have really kicked ass live (even though I was sober)
i would like to see metallica with this line up:Lars,James,Dave Mustaine and Cliff'the great bass monster'Burton. it would be extremely amazing! but impossible :cry:
:cry: :cry:
also opeth and dark tranquillity would be fine.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
hehehe i like to see the same lineup but with another drummer. Maybe a nice touch would be having an extra atril but instead of a cymbal the head of lars on it.

this is much much more impossible! hehehe. but if you don't want to see lars on drums we can replace him with nick menza!hahaha
that's enough, we are kicking ass.haha:lol:
  • Opeth
  • Arcturus
  • Ved Buens Ende (I wish I could turn the time back......:cry:)
  • Madder Mortem
  • In the woods... (I wish i could turn the time back.... R.I.P :cry: )
Nevermore is NOT power metal... Blind Guardian is power metal. Nevermore does not sound anything like Blind Guardian.

Ok, ok, didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I'd never heard any Nevermore before the gig and didn't go into it with any prejudice and I haven't listened to any since, but their vocalist said they were 'true power metal' at the beginning of the set, so I assumed he was right.

I don't dislike power metal in any case, I just prioritise. I'd listen to it if someone put it on at a club, but given the choice in my own home I'd put on other genre's first.

(Melancholia you have reminded me that 'In the woods' exist, thank you, much appreciated)

Official DesolatioN Dominion
you're wrong! :D
They have done live shows,despite the fact that they are a duet...
As they have mentioned,they just need a 3rd person on stage to do the programming...

Oh,and since you're greek,I have heard that Dark Side was planning a couple of years to organize a Limbonic Art gig in Greece...but eventually they didn't (probably because they estimated that only a small number of fans would go to the gig)
The Gathering
My Dying Bride
Nick Cave
Mr. Bungle
Paradise Lost
Dark Tranquility
Edge of Sanity (if possible)
.........................and many, many, more......i can never answer with one:lol: