what do you prefer? see opeth despite the drummer's problems and few tracks or wait?

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eternal soul torture
Jan 22, 2004
shawinigan, quebec, canada
Like I saw, opeth played only five songs in the calgary's gig. They cancelled in edmonton and in other cities around the world recently. I live in quebec and i saw them twice in 2003 once in the special damnation acoustic tour which included those 5 songs WITH MANY MORE so for me that would have been disappointing a lot.Hey! remember opeth played near 2 hours in the last tours. I hope the drummer will feel better soon cause it would not really be as interesting to only see 5 songs like that so i'ld prefer the gigs the be reported later in the year instead of that and see a true awsome opeth show with all the new songs cause like it is right now it dont look good o_O
i would wait a year to see a heavy opeth set than to see them play those 5 mellow songs. they're coming here on saturday, and although i'm going to the show no matter what, i'm really bummed out about the news...
Funeral Portrait said:
i would wait a year to see a heavy opeth set than to see them play those 5 mellow songs. they're coming here on saturday, and although i'm going to the show no matter what, i'm really bummed out about the news...

no bitching about opeth you pansy. :/

Does suck a bit but ( damnation my least favorite album ) oh well.. at least they still playing! :( i would wait for the heavy show as well.
Provided they're still keeping the rest of the dates, I'll definitely go since I didn't get to see any of the Damnation tour live. I've also never heard Moonspell, but I hear they are worth seeing. I'm still hoping that since there's 3 weeks till my show (Atlanta), there's still time for Lopez to recover and rejoin. Sounds very unlikely at this point though.
jinks said:
no bitching about opeth you pansy. :/

Does suck a bit but ( damnation my least favorite album ) oh well.. at least they still playing! :( i would wait for the heavy show as well.
how bout this for ya, i convinced a bunch of my friends to go to the show who don't really even like opeth...........BUT since they were playing an all heavy set they decided to go. now im gonna have a bunch of my friends who just spent 20 bucks to see a band play that they don't like that much (and are playing a mellow setlist) pissed at me because i told them it would be a good metal show.
I don't know if I should go to the show or wait. I live about 6 hours away from the closest gig. (Pheonix 1/27)
I have already seen the acoustic set during the damnation tour, and I've seen the normal heavy set before.
the point is: still i would go to see my favorite band but the anticipation would be lower knowing it would'nt top the two last show i saw. it does a couple of weeks that they cancelled shows because of that. Like i said, juste cause it doesn't look good maybe they should report it if it continues. the show in quebec is on february 22th so i still can hope at least :ill: but again i prefer the tour to be in a later date instead of just 5 songs with an average of 5 minutes each. The band is not crazy too they know ppls who already saw them will be disapointed
Yeah even though I'd rather wait for the heavy set I dont really want them to reschedule the tour because my friend is taking a plane to Houston to go to the show with me and if it gets moved or canceled it fucks our plans. She was REALLY excited to see opeth because its her first time and now that this happens its gonna be nothing like she expected and it really sucks. Ive already seen them before so I dont care that much Im just dissapointed for her, but oh well what can you do. If I believed in God Id be praying right now that Lopez gets better, all I can do is hope...oh well
ok ok, let's see if i get it. Martin is not in playing conditions so the guys will tour without him and play only soft songs?

does anyone know if this will last the whole tour?... i was really looking forward to the NYC Feb 27th show, maybe h'ell be better by then, but it's selfish of me to ask that, oh well, hope he gets better soon.
I will still go to the 1/30 show at the HOB in anaheim.. but .. of course I am kinda miffed by the whole thing... that is what one gets for getting their hopes up over anything in this lifetime.. heh. I still fully support the band and hope to see them back together with everyone healthy as soon as possible... ... by the 30th would be preferable... hehehehehehhe.
Yeah Im thinking its really unlikely that Lopez will be back on the tour. Im still happy to get to see them again even if its just a mellow set because I missed them on the Damnation tour. Im just hoping their drum tech trys to learn some songs and can do it fast so that they will expand the set list as the tour goes on and maybe have some more songs by the Feb 7th houston date. Either way Im still excited about seeing them again and hopefully meeting them again because they're really awesome guys. I remember the first time I saw them in Houston this girl that was with me and my friends, she liked Lopez and was trying to flirt with him. She got him to sign her shirt twice, and she sat down and had a cig with him and chatted. That was pretty cool, they were all really nice and down to earth kind of people. That ranks up there as one of the best nights of my life.
I had heard that theu were going to play their heavy set tomorrow night. It said on the blabbermouth site that Mikael said they were going to play the heaviest set ever last night at a show.
He said that he felt bad that they couldn't play a full set and that next time they tour, they'll come back (to Calgary), and play a "fucking heavy set".
i'd like to hear their heaviest set of course (i'v seen them with Lacuna Coil last year also).. and damnation is my least favorite album..
but no matter what I AM GOING TO SEE THEM NEXT WEEK. yesss i can't wait. they deserve a big THANK YOU. :worship: :worship: :worship: