Bands/albuns that changed your life

Nuno Filipe

You talkin' to me?
Jul 1, 2009
So, what were the albuns/bands that changed your life, developed your taste in music? Can you name it and give some description about remarkable albuns/bands?

I will try to be succinct. Probably the most important albuns were discovered when I was also discovering music.

Queen - greatest hits
So in my teens, my first love was this album. I really loved the band back then, I still like it a lot today. But back then, this was probably the band that enjoyed most and the first one that made me appreciate music as an art.

Offspring - Smash
Man, this was heavy for the time for me, heavy, fast, melodic and with that feeling of being revolted with mainstrem shit! well, you know that time!lol
This 2 bands and albuns were discovered in the 90´s

Stratovarius - Destiny
Rhapsody - Symphony of Enchanted Lands
First time I heared Stratovarius on the radio it blew me away. The blend of heavy riffs yet very melodic and fast with classical music. I couldnt believe that music like this was being performed. Seriously, it was another level of awesomeness. Later Rhapsody, when I thought that couldnt be any more complex shit and fast. I heared rhapsody, MAN WHAT THE FUCK? My thought by the time was, How on earth can somebody made so much shit playing at the same time? So epic, so huge, so melodramatic, yes also cheesy!ahah Ok, I was still in the 90´s

Evergrey - Recreation day
Man, by this time I was really bored of power metal bands, because as some of you may know, there is a couple of good bands and then millions of them are just copying the hell of the others. So became very boring at some point. Anyway, I found myself bored even with the good ones, there is so much happiness, cheesy moments and above all, most of them started to become really predictable. Well in my point of view, it´s one of the most turn offs of the style. So I needed something different. Here it comes Evergrey, a perfect blend of heavyness with dark melodies with a different kind of singer. Not a annoying one. Till this day I find this album remarkable.
Has a bit of everything that I was looking in a band.

Devin Townsend - Accelerated Evolution
I dindnt even knew nothing about this man, his music or whatever. I just read a good review about this album, so decided to give a shot. Man, I was not prepared for this, seriously. I remember very well that I heard the album when I was in a lunch break from work. From the begining to the end of the album, I felt that I was in some kind of journey to the unknown, lots of feelings. First time that music was given me some different feelings, good ones I must say.

I could go on but I think that this ones were the most important ones, I didnt mentioned some albuns in the electronic realm. I decided to keep this more oriented to rock/metal.
Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction, Korn - Follow the Leader, Black Sabbath - We sold our Souls for Rock n Roll, Led Zeppelin 4, Deep Purple - Machine Head, Metallica - S&M, Yngwie Malmsteen - Rising Force, Tony Macalpine - Evolution, Vinnie Moore - The Mind's Eye, Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper, Kalmah - Swamplord, Nightwish - Wishmaster, Opeth - My arms your Arse, Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory, Liquid Tension Experiment, Symphony X - V, Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring, Bal Sagoth - Battle Magic, ... Seems like a lot but they all had a tremendous impact on me and each has its own place in my life. I could name more but I think the biggest impact comes with what you absorb when you're young. That's about between when I was 9 to 21. Of course, didn't just listen to "rock/metal" stuff.
Offspring - Smash
Man, this was heavy for the time for me, heavy, fast, melodic and with that feeling of being revolted with mainstrem shit! well, you know that time!lol
This 2 bands and albuns were discovered in the 90´s

Devin Townsend - Accelerated Evolution
I dindnt even knew nothing about this man, his music or whatever. I just read a good review about this album, so decided to give a shot. Man, I was not prepared for this, seriously. I remember very well that I heard the album when I was in a lunch break from work. From the begining to the end of the album, I felt that I was in some kind of journey to the unknown, lots of feelings. First time that music was given me some different feelings, good ones I must say.

Same here man, what a coincidence! :kickass:

Accelerated Evolution is in my top 10 albums of all time.

On repeat for nearly a year in 2000. Wasn't a good year but this one got me through it somehow. Many a night laying in a dark bathroom in the tub smoking a blunt with this blaring. My dad had been killed in a car wreck.
Led Zeppelin - How the West Was Won. First real music I ever enjoyed listening to other than my mom's Beatles albums.

Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache. I'm pretty young compared to some folks on here, but I was a freshman in high school when this album came out and it really turned me on to things heavier than Linkin Park.

Isis - Panopticon. Still my favorite album ever. Sort of transitioned me out of my super death metal-heavy stage into enjoying lots of other music- some folk, Radiohead, post-rock, and other stuff.
I could name more but I think the biggest impact comes with what you absorb when you're young. That's about between when I was 9 to 21. Of course, didn't just listen to "rock/metal" stuff.

You said it. There were many albuns that I did like and they were somehow important but the biggest impact as you said was done when I was discovering music, and I am still discovering but after years and years it´s hard to find something that will have a great impact like in the early years.

Same here man, what a coincidence! :kickass:

Accelerated Evolution is in my top 10 albums of all time.

Yeah man, after a decade, still is a great album. My favourite along with Ocean Machine. I dont want to be a devin fanboy but this album changed even my view about music. By just seeing devin speaking about music in some interviews, clearly states that he works in a different emotional level. I will not say he is better or worse but he is different. The way he approaches music still amazes me today.
Pantera - "far beyond driven" was the album that got me into metal when I was around 14 years old. A friend gave me a copy (on a cassette tape back then). Thinking back I guess it's a weird album to introduce someone to metal... I recall having my dad listen to it and telling him "this is the kind of music I'll be listening now", haha... he wasn't thrilled. I also remember falling asleep many nights while listening to it (?!). Nowadays I prefer to listen to soundtracks when I go to sleep :p .

Not long after that I was introduced to Iced Earth which was the band that I was obsessed with for quite a few years when I was younger. Eventually I grew out of them but along with Hetfield, Schaffer was my biggest influence when I first started playing guitar.

In my early 20's I got into Pink Floyd which had a big impact in my life musically. Until then I was listening exclusively to metal. I still consider them one of the best and most innovative and influential bands ever, regardless of genre.

Right about that time I also got into movie soundtracks. I don't recall any particular movie that got me into it, I guess movies and the music in them had a really big impact on me as a whole at that age. Solaris and Insomnia are the earliest soundtracks I remember really liking. Nowadays 80-90% of the time that I listen to music I'm listening to soundtracks.
Behemoth- The Apostasy
It was the first heavy album I ever bought in my life, before that it was just Maiden etc and it completely changed my view on music.

The Black Dahlia Murder- Nocturnal
Same deal, changed my entire view on writing, melodies and drummers

Insomnium- Above The Weeping World
An absolute lyrical and musical masterpiece. In the Groves of Death will forever be my favorite song of all time
Some great albums looking back that changed my musical perspective and affected my life as music is what i do for a living.

first metal album i ever listened to was Helloween - Time of the Oath, atmospheric for power metal. i got into more extreme music through this. Never listened to slipknot or korn etc which were all really popular when i was in my early teens.

My Dying Bride - the angel and the dark river, got me into a whole new world of darkness in musical terms, led me to love doom metal and discover other doom bands that changed me such as Warning and High on Fire.

Pig Destroyer - Terrifyer, again led me to so much heavier realms of extreme music, the fury in this album along with the sense of songwriting and groove still blows my mind. At around the same time a few other albums grabbed me such as The axis of perdition - The ichneumon method again i struggle to figure out to this day how someone can write something so complex and insane while being so coherent and together sounding.

Honorable mentions goe to <C.O.D.E> - Resplendent Grotesque , Abandon - The Dead End and Void - S/T

an album came out last month that is also challenging me again and every metal head i've played this to has hated it :lol: but Dyse - Das Nation is insanely good, i don't even know how to describe it check it out.
Probably Korn - Follow the Leader influenced me to listen to heavy stuff. Necrophagist - Epitaph made me appreciate the techy metal a lot more and this
The Black Dahlia Murder- Nocturnal

I'm not that much of a fan of TBDM but holy shit, what were they eating when they made this?
It's gonna be Korn and Limp Bizkit for me, when I was 15 those are the bands that got me into anything approaching hard-rock and metal. Before that, I was chiefly listening to stuff like Underworld, Prodigy, Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, and all the other electronic dance music 'idm' acts from that period.

Then I heard Tool's Lateralus and that was the end for me, heh.
Metallica's "Metallica" and "...And Justice for All" together with Gun's n Roses "Appetite for Destruction" would have to be the first albums which changed my life, as these were all released when I was very young, but the constant radio and TV coverage of these bands in their breakthrough had them in my face all the time. Add to that my sister going through her hard rock/ metal phase at the same time, I grew up on these for a few years. I've loved them since and will always have a special place for them.

Dark Tranquillity "Damage Done" and Evergrey "In search of Truth". These two albums came around for me at a similar time and both blew me away with their terrific melody, melancholy and atmosphere and basically set the scene for the next 10 years of listening. They continue to guide my current direction of music creation also.
Guns 'n Roses' "Appetite for Destruction" and Metallica's Black Album were the start for me as far as heavier music goes.

In Flames' "Clayman" turned me on to so many bands when I was 16: Iced Earth, Nevermore, Shadows Fall, Dimmu..., pretty much anyone on Century Media and Nuclear Blast at that time. Not to mention that, as a guitarist, that album completely changed the way I wrote music.

Shadows Fall's "Art of Balance" and "War Within": TAoB introduced me to the American bands that were adopting In Flames' influences and, along with War Within, are the reasons why I look up to Jon Donais as a guitar influence.

All That Remains' "This Darkened Heart" came out at a time when I was going through a rough patch with someone close to me. The band sucks now, but I'll still listen to that one all the way through. Oli Herbert is a goddamned beast.
Metallica - Master Of Puppets/ The Black Album: Basically what got me into metal, it literally just opened up this entire world to me that I really didn't even know existed! 10 years on... I feel no different about those albums. Masterpieces in their field for different reasons and they still leave me with my jaw dropped from what was achieved through them.

Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done/ Character: Introduced me to Melodic Deathmetal and quickly became my favorite band of all time. The writing/ structure/ arrangements/ musicality, it was all there and so diverse in its intricacies. And years later, I got to tour with them and join them on stage, so I can't begin to explain how monumental that was for me.

Children Of Bodom - Hatebreeder: Just an amazing album that made me think about my writing in certain ways over time. Still one of my favorite albums.

Lamb Of God - Ashes Of The Wake: WOW, what a kick in the head that album was for me. Just ferocious playing and musicality between those guys and brutal as shit to boot. My guitar playing changed so much after getting into LoG.
I guess for me it would be kinda

Rammstein - Mutter
Cause it was the first "heavy" album I bought myself

Disturbed - The Sickness
Got me into wanting to pick up an electric guitar (was playing mostly classical guitar before that)

I guess that was the kind of stuff that was easy enough to play for a beginner :lol:

And I few years later, after realizing that there was a time before the black album, Justice for all. Really got into that kind of music with that album.
Got it because I heared a live version of blackened at some festival broadcast...rock am ring or something. Around the time St.Anger came out I guess.

Soilwork-Stabbing the Drama was also a huge one for me, but I was already a lot more into that kind of music at that point.

And for the later stuff: Steel Panther-Feel the steel. They softened me up for the world of glam :lol:

oh but I totally forgot about that one compilation CD that was part of a CD set my father bought at some point.
I guess that set the way for guitar heavey music for me...had stuff like black betty, american woman, motörhead, breaking the law...that kind of stuff on it hehe