Bands that rock your socks live but bore you on cd?

Black Rain said:
Mastadon is AWFUL. That guy can't sing for shit.

Um well one thing about nevermore, first CD of theirs that I got was the new one, This godless endeaver, I never heard any thing before hand. TGE is incredible but when I heard some of the previous albums I don't think they stand a chance.....Maybe the band just got a fuck load better.
1. Mastodon rules. Period.

2. All of Nevermores' catalog rules. Period.

Run those through your head until you believe it, plz.
Skeksis said:
Godsmack usually bore me on cd but they're great live.

Not really a fan of the material anymore. :S
I saw them with Metallica back in 2003, and they were pretty bad... Only interesting thing was the duel between the drummer and lead singer on drums.
Chimaira was much better live than on CD. They had one of the most fierce pits I have seen at any San Diego shows and the audience was beat up and dragging themselves out of the venue by the end of the show that night.