Bands That Suck

Apr 3, 2005
You know theres a couple bands that I totally hate, yet I have to respect them because its their choice of music that they play. Then theres some other bands that I hate and just don't respect at all.

Bands that I don't respect=Simple Plan, Good Charolette, you catch my drift.

Bands I dislike, yet respect=Green Day, Tool, Social Distortion, theres a lot more, but I don't feel like typing all of them.

What about you guys?

hey i'll put my two cents on this... I despise good charlottes, alien ant farm..oh shit do not get me started with gay ass green day..why do they deserve thee attention.. and other bands like them they all suck....fucking commercial,sissy worm, dickweed, piece of shit bands...

yeah but sometimes they are cool........
why do you have to respect green day ? they're like the original poser punks.
first green day spawned blink 182 who then spawned a whole list of other crappy fake punk bands.
Bands i hate or dislike and do not respect at all - Simple Plan, Green Day Good Charlotte, Unearth, As i Lay Dying, Screamo , xHardcorex, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Machine Head, Slipknot, Disturbed, Korn , Rancid, Hed p.e.

You get my drift

NP : Death Angel - Trapped Under Ice
Sadly, the list of bands I hate is way to big to post here. But I do agree with all of the Green Days and Simple Plans that people are stating. But I'd like to mix into the shit-soup some Red Hot Chilly Peppers, some U2, some Creed, and a little bit of Crap-tallica.
Metallica since 1991 and those faggots Hell On Earth who were claiming a live suicide during their gig. What ever happened to those bitches? I beleive the best way to judge a band is seeing them live.
U fucking 2. Everybody creams over these sublimely mediocre dad-rock bastards.

The Stereophonics are similarly awful.

99% of all dance and rap music.

As for rock and couldn't punch Linkin Park enough, Disturbed piss me right off, somebody please tell Metallica that they make ME blush with embaressment now days, ALL "math rock" (DEP etc), pretty much any band with a floppy fringe and nail varnish on (funeral for a friend etc)

awwwwwwww shit, I could be here all day...

Municipal Waste, Exodus, Fission
Cradle Of Filth (if i ever see Dani i will fuckin kill that midget!)
Hammerfall (die gothenburg homos!)
In Flames (first is #!¤%)

BLS (sad but true, tired of that shit now)

Can't think of any others right now..or won't:)
Hate: Deicide! Not on cd, but as a live band! Glen Benton is a fucking cunt, at Ålborg Metal Fesival last weekend, he was so drunk/stoned/whatever, that he couldn´t remember the lyrics, couldn´t remember which song he had just played/were about to play, tried to kick a bouncer in the head, ranted on about how he had fucked all of our mothers etc.
They ought to call it quits!!!

Blabber said:
DEICIDE frontman Glen Benton was "hammered and/or stoned out of his mind" during the band's headlining performance on the first day of the Aalborg Metal Festival 2005 in Aalborg, Denmark last Friday (Nov. 4), resulting in "one of the most embarrassing performances I've been witness to," according to one review. What follows are several review excerpts focusing on DEICIDE's appearance at the festival, which included additional performances by THE HAUNTED, HYPOCRISY, SIX FEET UNDER, HATESPHERE and CALLENISH CIRCLE, among others:


"Next up is this evening's headliner, DEICIDE. As I write these lines, I’m still shocked by the embarrassing performance of Glen Benton.

"Benton not only decides to begin the gig before scheduled, he is also obviously hammered and/or stoned out of his mind. This turns out to be if not the, then one of the most embarrassing performances I've been witness to, as Benton babbles about him getting rid of the two Nazis, the Hoffman brothers, about the pain he went through, and in between these rants, he does his best to insult the crowd. He also manages on two occasions to forget that he had already played songs.

"You can only feel sorry for a talented person who has fallen so deep. Here and there you can hear what made DEICIDE great, but on this evening we hear too little DEICIDE music and too much self indulging crap from Mr. Benton.

"DEICIDE only needs one more replacement before being able to move on and create some of the music that helped shaping death metal: get rid of Glen Benton, for fuck's fuck — he just wasted one hour of the life of 400 individuals in Aalborg, and it's probably not going to be the last."

From (review by Martin Thinnesen):

”I was really looking forward to seeing Benton and Co. hit the stage, but when the bandmembers are so drunk that they hardly can stand, my respect is gone. Everything they ever did to become the reigning kings of death metal totally fell to the floor here. What was supposed to be my first DEICIDE concert — something I HAD to experience and had looked forward to in a long time — was totally destroyed. A guy next to me mentioned that this was not a death metal concert — but rather a circus performance at a dirty local bar, and DEICIDE were the clowns!

"With this in my mind, the concert was hysterically funny. Especially when Glen tried to kick one of the stage guards in the head, but hit a monitor instead, resulting in two monitors ending up on the floor. The vocalist of SIX FEET UNDER [Chris Barnes] was also onstage for some screaming with Glen & Co. but ended up taking the microphone and saying in an almost mocking voice, 'This is getting out of control.' And that was more or less the key word for this concert. Especially when Benton couldn't even remember what track the band just had played and started on the same track again. A total joke!"


"Glen Benton was definitely not ready to go on stage. [He was] not in shape, [and was] drunk, stoned… whatever… he should not have done it. 'Cause he had a really hard time remembering the lyrics, what songs he already played as well as the tracks he was supposed to play. All in all, a really embarrassing performance from a person who should know how to behave. But it was a shame since a lot of people had been travelling a long way to see DEICIDE."

Check out pictures of Glen Benton performing at Aalborg Metal Festival 2005 (courtesy of Photo#1, Photo#2, Photo#3.
I hate Trivium a lot, they used to be an emo band before they went to hot topic and became "metal". U2 is way too fucking overrated, a few alright songs, but overated. Im drawing a mental block now...
Exothrax said:
Cradle Of Filth (if i ever see Dani i will fuckin kill that midget!)
Hammerfall (die gothenburg homos!)
In Flames (first is #!¤%)

BLS (sad but true, tired of that shit now)

Can't think of any others right now..or won't:)

Man if you like in flames first effort it suprises me you dont like the jester race,its a really cool death record with fantastic folk influences much like lunar strain so if you dont have it you should check it out. Theyre last couple of records were shit though, seen them on monday supporting motorhead and they sucked balls (waaay to quiet and sounded all metal core and messy)

Anyway i fuckin hate all emo/screamo and all the fans of the genre that i know, are pretentious fuckking dicks who think they're more hardcore and genreally better people than metal fans, but they arnt shit. I wish black death upon them all!!! *plays angel of death*
Arg_Hamster said:
Because it´s a free world? :loco:

I think Death Angel is an okey band.
I like LoG a lot.

Lmao, yeah fair point. I wasn't being serious, but I think that Death Angels first and last albums are utter class.

...but while it's a free world, people will always buy shit like *shudder* 50 cent and Robbie Williams o_O