Favorite 80's hair metal bands?

If you're referring to "Oh My God", the song off of the End of Days soundtrack, I agree...the song sounded like a band that was trying to rip off GnR.

Glad to hear Axl is fat though...he was way too thin, man!

Slash WAS a great guitarist, but I was disappointed by his Snakepit albums. I saw Slash's Snakepit a year and a half ago when they opened for AC/DC, and they were very lame. Slash is a great guitarist, but he doesn't have a lot of stage presence, and his singer was a complete idiot (he even forgot what city he was in... HA!). From that point of view, I'd have to say Slash is missing Axl just as much, music-wise anyway.
Yeah, they shouldn't even call the new shit GnR, should just be Axl Rose or something. Slash & Duff were a huge part of that band too. BTW I'm sorry to say but GnR was a hairband. They might not have been as gay looking as Poison but they still went way heavy on the hairspray even after tracy guns left, for a while anyway.