Bands that tune to Bb?

New JFAC (Ruination) isn't tuned that low, I think its in C

My input was going to be Nevermore, Meshuggah, Nocturnal Rites, Pissing Razors, Skinlab, some In Flames, and I think Novembers Doom. Even Arch Enemy had a couple songs down that low, like "Savage Messiah".
haha you beat me to most of these but oceano is actually drop A not A# i tried learning one of their songs while in A# and got so fucking confused cause the open notes didnt sound the same *FACEPALM*

ah right, i was going from what joey said around the time it was released

i've not tried to play along to it myself though, perhaps he just meant for that one song or something.
I could have sworn that Korn were in A standard, judging by their transcriptions in guitar magazines and an interview or two, but I'm about as certain as I can be that Dino uses A standard on his 7s (and F# standard on his 8s) - I'm quite sure he said that, and when I got to play his guitars briefly after a few shows that's what I recall them being tuned to.

wow, that's some bands I wouldn't have thought of, cheers.

tuning that low happend as follows:

band said "we tune to C# standard" I had a guitsr set up in C and they liked it so we decided to go C.
then it turns out they're not tuning to C# but drop C#, so we'd had to tune 5 of the 6 strings on a floyd rose guitar higher...after the FR had been set up for C std...meeh, I decided to just tune the lowest string lower instead (to not have to fuck with the FR that much) and everyone liked it.
I've always had a guitar in C# standard, and usually one in B but after jamming to some nevermore I found that semitone down to be absolutely massive! Nowdays I'm in Eb/C#/B, and looking for a baritone to give me my Bb stability!
We tune to Bb in my band as well. We play sevenstrings, but the reason for tuning down a semi-tone from B isn't just because it's "heavier". Bb fits my voice better than B and it sounds more evil in a way... Don't know how to explain it better, but Bb has a whole different mood or atmosphere from B or C or whatever.
seriously, korn and fear factory don't do drop tunings? could someone confirm this? I don't trust crazy math freaks that much

just playing with ya jeff, but I DO want someone to confirm Korn isn't Drop A, that would destroy my whole youth you know

Yeah, Korn is definitly A standard. As far as I know they have never used drop tunings, but then again I kinda lost touch with them after 'Untouchables'.