Bands that tune to Bb?

Drop A or drop Bb
A# F A# D# G C

Bb on a seven string if I'm not mistaken

A# D# G# C# F# A# D#
Either you didn't get my post or I misunderstood if there was a questioning of the end, one is either tuning in drop or in standard Bb...but it really yields the same result. I've used both tunings, as I was on a big Nevermore kick for a while and I also was going to audition for Skinlab like 5 years ago. Both serve a purpose, imo...I guess I interpreted it as someone saying one was better than the other, rather than stating it was just thier preference.
Korn = A standard (7 string). They recorded parts of the first album with a Les Paul, from what I heard, tuned to D-standard for more clarity of the higher parts. I had heard they were going to start using 8 strings within the last couple years, even saw a pic that was supposed to be Munky's custom 8 string, but I've never heard/seen anything further than that.

Fear Factory:
- SOANM/Demanufacutre = B standard
- everything else = A standard (7 string)

Divine Heresy = A standard (7 string). F# for 8th string when 8string is used. I'm pretty sure, at least...

- Contradictions Collapse = Eb standard
- None/DEP/Chaosphere = Bb standard (7 string)
- Nothing = Bb standard, low F on 7th string (omitting the high Eb).
Thier Nevborn prototypes were so bad in holding the tuning, they just used Ibanez 7s tuned down to the lower half of the 8 strings.
- I ep/Catch33/obZen = 8 string, Bb standard w/ low F on 8th string.

At The Gates = B standard
There are demos of songs in Db standard that I've heard, but the albums ended up in B standard.

Carcass = B standard

Soilwork = pretty much B standard, I least everything up until Figure #5

- s/t = "What Tomorrow Knows" is in D standard...I think the rest is in Eb standard
- In Memory/Politics/DNB = Eb standard
- DHIADW = Bb standard (7 string)
- EoR = Bb standard (7 string). Pretty sure "Seed Awakening" is Db standard on a 6 string.
- TGE = Bb standard (7 string). Pretty sure "The Psalm Of Lydia" is Db standard on a 6 string, but I saw a guitar world lesson and he was playing it on his I dunno.