Bands you dislike but enjoy the early work of

Anthrax and Metallica.

Anthrax was so fucking promising, then came Belladonna and ruined everything. He can't scream for shit. They should have kept Turbin. And for the love of God, rap-metal?

I love, absolutely LOVE Metallicas early work. They put their talant to good use up until the Black album. I have no respect whatsoever for their music after ...And justice for all.
Slipknot's Iowa was a damn good album (please don't flame....... Did I mention how fucking good it was!?)

I've outgrown them and nearly hated everything else they made, but Iowa was damn good, its too bad they changed their sound, and they also started acting like they were better then everyone else...

it's depressing when a band makes a signature sound, then changes to another one, same thing with devil driver, i liked their first album, then the next two were melodic death, now the latest is groove. just awful.
For me,
* The oh-so-original answer of Metallica (MoP > AJfA > RtL > KeA, with a few songs that are notable exceptions to the given order.)
* Fates Warning (I like Awaken the Gaurdian and Specter Within, but can't really get into the rest of their stuff.)

I'm sure there are others, but those are the first that come to mind.
Slipknot: s/t & Iowa
KoRn: until Evolution
Chimaira: until Infection
Metallica: until load (However Death Magnetic seemed decent)
God Forbid: until Earthsblood

Theres more but thats what I can think off the top of my head.
Anthrax and Metallica.

Anthrax was so fucking promising, then came Belladonna and ruined everything. He can't scream for shit. They should have kept Turbin. And for the love of God, rap-metal?

I love, absolutely LOVE Metallicas early work. They put their talant to good use up until the Black album. I have no respect whatsoever for their music after ...And justice for all.


Belladonna is one of my favorite singers and the albums he sang for Anthrax are classics.

Spreading the Disease?
Among the Living?
Persistence of Time?

Children of Bodom's first three albums were awesome, but it all went downhill after Follow the Reaper. Blooddrunk was painful to listen to.
First three Bodom albums are melodic/melodeath classics. Too bad I just dl music or I'd buy all the must haves. But I buy the merchandise so I guess thats something.