Bands you don't "get."


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I try to keep my threads on the positive side, but this is something on my mind of late. I know it's all in the subjective in the end. Master of Puppets is not the greatest metal album ever, and This Godless Endeavor is not the album of the year, inherintly speaking that is. I just think they are. I'm comfortable with that.

To that end, I know everyone here must know of a band or two that they just don't get the hype on. Bands that people go nuts over but you just don't see it.

Here's a couple examples for me:

Mastadon - People rave about them and call them the saviours of metal. I bought Remission. I forced myself to listen to it a few times, but I just gave up. I simply could not see what people saw was so great. Same goes for their latest, though I didn't buy it....I just heard it.

Megadeth - Sorry Droogie, nothing personal. I have just never been able to get past Dave's voice. I bought Killing Is My Business when it was their only record, but never connected with it. I was always aware of what they were doing after that, but just couldn't ever get myself to care.

Dream Theater - Yawn.

Again, I'm not really picking on these bands. In fact, I like that other people are really into them. It puts the light on one's own obsession a bit. Also, I just feel a kinship to anybody whose apeshit over a band....I KNOW that feeling. And in all these cases the fault could be mine. I've certainly come around on many bands that at first I didn't like.

I'm not saying these bands aren't good. They are just not my vibe....and yet they are so clearly the MAJOR vibe of quite a few other people.

Anyway, what are some bands you just don't get....?
First of all I'd like to say that your post is excellent ElectricWiz! A very well reasoned post! It are posts like these that make UMOS the special place it is. My compliments dude!

Ok, now to the subject at hand. Bands that I just don't get:


I tried and tried and tried again. And I can't see what the fuss is about. They do nothing for me. And yea, I tried all the album also the most recent :). Because there is alway's someone who tell's me to listen to their lates because it is soooo much better and completly different.

Pain of Salvation

One of my favorite genre's is progressive metal. When I dare to mention this in public people mention P.o.S. very fast. They always are surprised when I tell them that P.o.S. do almost nothing for me. Again, just as with Opeth I tried several albums before I decided they were not the band for me.

Thats it for now.
Ironically, the two bands Hawk mentioned are among my favs!

Also ironic, is that for YEARS I tried and tried to make Dream Theater work for me. On paper, they have everything that should make a band great. After hearing "Pull Me Under" in 1992 and seeing them open for Maiden at the old Ritz in NYC in 1992, I quickly bought the "Images" album. I liked it, but there was too much 'wrong' with it, I thought.

But the talent was there, the sound was there, and although the vocals killed me, I continued to try EACH AND EVERY record they've released since. And nothing took hold.

Until last month when I heard "Octavarium" for the first time! They'd finally done it....finally composed an album of songs. It's a great album! LaBrie's vocals are toned down, the soloing has meaning now.....just solid songs!
Of course, this has now put their entire back catalogue in a new perspective for me....I'm growing to like them all!!

Anyway, in answer to the question posed by this thread:

Fates Warning (Alder era). I LOVE "Awaken the Guardian". When I purchased this one in 1987, I quickly fell in love with every facet of this band. Then two awful events occured: Arch quit and Matheos altered the bands sound. Sure, I despise Alder's awful vocals (IMO), but it's more than that. The music just isn't as good. There have been some bright moments over the years (some of Parallels is quite good) but overall, this band lost all merit in 1988, IMO.

Cradle Of Filth. I just don't get this one at all. Black metal has produced some amazing bands (Emperor, Immortal, Borknagar), but this is a joke.
Good thread if no one starts reacting on others peoples opinions, just respect each others opinion and it will be okay !!

Cradle of Filth ; I just hate the vocals, in the same line of 1980's act Living Death. Vocals for me mostly make or break a record...

Opeth; sounds to me like 13 in a dozen progrock with death vocals ...

Sieges Even; not yet, but it's coming :p I like the music but allways wait for the "rock" part to come...

G'n'R ; never did, never will like 'm, I think it's something of the "if you do RNR you have to do drugs and be an asshole" mentality or so ...

Stratovarius-Blind Guardian- Sonata Arctica and other Euro-happy-powerbands. Some songs sound okay while others sound so cheesy they give me creeps...Yup, cheezy, that's the problem I think :D

and last; in Europe there's a real revival of "Epic" metal bands. 1980's survivors that were very underground even in the 80's. Some sound great, but alot sound very mediocre. Also , some new bands seem to want to copy that bad sound :err:

For the rest there's alot of stuff I DO like :headbang:
ElectricWiz said:
To that end, I know everyone here must know of a band or two that they just don't get the hype on. Bands that people go nuts over but you just don't see it.

Anyway, what are some bands you just don't get....?

A lot, and I mean a lot (remember all lines forward are subjective to the poster).

1) All bands with growlers or screechers. I don't care how good they may be, if the vocals sucks for me they just overhyped too IMO: Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom, Destruction, Kreator (although I have a couple of albums), Grave Digger (although I have a couple of albums), Overkill, all death, all black, etc.

2) Bands I just couldn't get into: Nevermore, Symphony X, Jag Panzer, Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius, Biomechanic, Kamelot, Opeth, Anathema, etc.

3) Bands I do own material but I believe are overhyped: Overlorde, Icarus Witch, Sodom, Yngwie Malmsteen

I had discover that the older I get the pickier I get. If a song doesn't click almost immediately I just don't waste time trying to get into the band.

Well, I'm
what can I do?
Opeth I didn't get for quite some time. I tried them a lot and still didn't get it. Then one day when I was out in the back yard cutting up some lumber with a buzz saw they just clicked in. Dunno how it happened or why. It could have been the saw harkening me back to Metal Shop. They'll never be a favorite but I do listen to them a fair bit now.

Dream Theater is another that I tried several times and never got. Like Soundmaster said -- they had a problem writing songs. Train of Thought is, IMO, an album of songs and it would appear that Octavarium is too -- I've only listened to it a few times.

Pain of Salvation bores me to tears.

Circus Maximus is getting a ton of praise for their first disc. I don't get that.

And I know I'll catch hell for this but I never really got into Maiden, Priest, or the Scorps. All three have a ton of songs that I enjoy but there isn't an album by any of them that makes me go nuts. :erk: <ducking and covering>

Music is mathematical. If a certain band, sound, song doesn't dial in your number then it doesn't. If it does then cool for you! :D
Wyvern said:
1) All bands with growlers or screechers. I don't care how good they may be, if the vocals sucks for me they just overhyped too IMO: Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom, Destruction, Kreator (although I have a couple of albums), Grave Digger (although I have a couple of albums), Overkill, all death, all black, etc.

I had discover that the older I get the pickier I get. If a song doesn't click almost immediately I just don't waste time trying to get into the band.

Your point 1) same for me. But the other comment about the age, in my case it is right the other way around. I try to listen more intensivly, and give albums "more chances if it doesn´t click immediatley". I guess it is also a lot down to this forum. I try to find out "why the fuck do all the other guys like this stuff :tickled: ... ", right now it is Nevermore and Jag Panzer .... I will tell you in a couple of weeks. :)
So interesting to see Opeth popping up here a lot. I actually expected that. They are a band you either get or don't. Which is not to say one should get them. There's nothing wrong with not liking Opeth (though I'll admit I'm on the they-are-amazing side of things). Also, for what it's worth, Nevermore didn't grab me straight off. I liked a song or two but thought the textures of the songs were all too similar to each other. Now, though, Nevermore is probably my favorite band. I listen to all their stuff religiously. I just plain didn't get it at first!

Anyway, I also thought people would mention them, so interesting that they have. Also interesting that Dream Theater has been mentioned a bit. A band that there is no good reason not to like (though I do not like them). As Soundmaster said, "It's all there." It just doesn't click for me.

I dont get this whole genre period. Shows you dont need talent to get a record deal these days. And the freakin vocals in these bands is worse than a kick to the nuts...

Interesting thread! I'll have to come back to it... for now here are a few names for me:

GNR :ill:
Sonata Arctica
Hammerfall .... I should like them but I dont .. I mean if I like Edguy I should like Hammerfall but I dont I understand why ppl do but they are to sugary for me

Dream Theater ... if all their songs had that certain special something "Pull me Under" has then I would like them alot ... but they dont ... great musicians some of the best really but I just cant take their elevator music

I have to agree with Wheezer on the IM/JP/Scorp thing ... I like and own 2 or 3 albums from each band but they never took my world by storm .... cept for Blaze Maiden that made me a alltime fan of Mr.Bayley

OH! and Mastodon I bought Leviathan ... and gave it away not my cup-o-tea at all

and Tool! I never got why ppl liked them so much ... prolly never will ... I know I dont like em
Wheezer said:
And I know I'll catch hell for this but I never really got into Maiden, Priest, or the Scorps. All three have a ton of songs that I enjoy but there isn't an album by any of them that makes me go nuts. :erk: <ducking and covering>

Music is mathematical. If a certain band, sound, song doesn't dial in your number then it doesn't. If it does then cool for you! :D

I've never really gotten Priest either. I had a bit of phase with them, around Screaming For Vengeance period; I really have never been a huge fan. I own a few records. Still, I think you are either a Maiden fan or a Priest fan (not counting you Wheezer, of course - heh). It's like Uma Thurman said in that Tarantino movie, "You're either a Beatles man or a Elvis man...." I really think the same is true about Priest/Maiden.

Incidentally, the correct answers are Beatles and Maiden. Hee hee.:Spin:
Definitely Dragonforce.
They are sooo overhyped with their über-speed pumped machine drums and mindless dumb solos that race with the speed of light just for the sake of it... Need I mention the ghastly vocals... :yuk:

Hammerfall started promising with their very good debut, but the amount of cheese was just growing with each following release, as well as their bank accounts. :D

Stratovarious I never could swallow. I really found nothing in their version of very bland metal, along with such a horrible vocalist.

Then again, there are some bands that I didn't get for some time, then heavily got into them. Like Manowar (couldn't stand their silly attitude, once I ignored it, it somehow all clicked) or King Diamond/Mercyful Fate (I hated KD's high voice :cry: but now I wouldn't change him for nothing :Spin: )
Oh, and I meant to mention Iced Earth too. Some of their stuff I can actually put up with, and even dig. But it's really just some songs here and there, and his whole patriot trip is a bit much for me. Generally speaking though, I find them to be pretty average.
Edguy - I liked the first Avantasia album, but I've never really been too keen on the Edguy disks. Just too cheesy & over-the-top... I think Vain Glory Opera is just horrible, although it gets universally good reviews.

Nightwish - I really dig good operatic metal (Therion for example), but haven't been impressed with what I've heard from Nightwish, their last 2 albums at least. Maybe their earlier stuff's a lot better (?)

Manilla Road - Another band that everyone seems to rave about, but I just don't see what's so important or exciting about them.

Dream Theater - Already been beaten to death by previous posters, so no further comments.
SickBoy said:
Then again, there are some bands that I didn't get for some time, then heavily got into them. Like Manowar (couldn't stand their silly attitude, once I ignored it, it somehow all clicked) or King Diamond/Mercyful Fate (I hated KD's high voice :cry: but now I wouldn't change him for nothing :Spin: )

I had the same experience with these two bands. When first I heard Mellissa I just couldn't really find it's groove. I put it in a couple of months later though, and had a whole different experience. Manowar's early stuff eluded me at first, but I came around on them too. Though I still don't like their new stuff.
Opeth - Like many of you I can't get into their music apart from a few moments, but never for a full song.

Meshugah (sp?) - I never understood the fuzz about these guys. Everybody says that they're genius. Well, maybe, but they're not that technical. They use polyrythmics all over the place, yup, so what? :) It's too emotion-less and "mathematical" to my taste I guess. They're original though.

Rammstein - A bit of the same : original band with a strong image but their music doesn't grab me at all.

Dragonforce, Sonata Arctica, etc. - Well, I can do without Flower Metal.

Circus Maximus - Not bad but very generic IMO.

On the other hand, I've become a Pain of Salvation fan lately, something I would have never imagined a few years ago. Maybe I'll be a huge Opeth fan in a few years, never say never...
Some more concerning DT:

In my eyes, their problem was always two-fold:
- inability to compose songs
- lack of emotion

Octavarium corrects both problems. I've since purchased "Train of Thought" and, it too, is a great improvement over some of their past work. However, I still loathe most of "Awake" and "A Change of Seasons" (although the Mirror has always been a great tune!).

Another talking point regarding this thread could be:
"Bands that once ruled but are now only occasionaly tap into their former greatness".
That list is endless....Priest, Scorpions, Metallica, Megadeth, Ozzy, etc.

Of course, there are also bands who, I feel, produce better music today than they did in their supposed "glory years":
Saxon, Motorhead, Glenn Hughes
SoundMaster said:
Another talking point regarding this thread could be:
"Bands that once ruled but are now only occasionaly tap into their former greatness".
That list is endless....Priest, Scorpions, Metallica, Megadeth, Ozzy, etc.

Of course, there are also bands who, I feel, produce better music today than they did in their supposed "glory years":
Saxon, Motorhead, Glenn Hughes

Great addition to the thread.

In the Bands that once ruled category -

Queensryche - I was mad for everything up to Operation Mindcrime. After that, pfffft. Also, I don't even listen to the old stuff now.

Metallica - I've mixed feelings about them, but it's true that everything after Master was downhill.

Mercyful Fate - I haven't found any of the reunion albums any more interesting than the average no-name metal band. Those first 3 (including Corpse without Soul here...) were amazing.

Dio - I haven't really liked anything - truly liked - since Holy Diver.

Slayer - liked the first few albums. Everything else is a waste of time. I don't even like Reign in Blood that much.

I'd certainly go along with the other bands you listed too.....It's almost emberrasing how good Diary of a Madman was in comparison to most of the albums after. Each successive one was worse, I thought.
Priest's new album got me excited at first, but really isn't very good.

In the Better than the glory years category-

I'll probably get crucified for this, butI really do think that Brave New World at least matches the seminol Maiden stuff. Dance of Death not quite as much, but still vital.

Saxon - I'd call it a draw for me, between the first four and the last four. But that's pretty fucking good for a bunch of geezers. Most impressive comeback in metal ever.

I'll have to think on some others.....
Dream Theater: just never got into them and never knew why anyone would... but im surprised they were mentioned on here as much as they have on this thread... i always thought OS crew were Dream Theater fanatics..

NightWish: bought one album (Wishmaster) ... wasnt too impressed.. i guess im not into the operatic type of vocals metal...

Borknager: bought one album and wasn't impressed.. dont know what the hype is about this band.. may try another album.. maybe i bought the wrong one for starters...

Darkthrone: don't get me wrong.. i like their albums.. at least the first 3 but really this band is/was overrated in terms of BM ...

Mayhem: same as my comment on Darkthrone...

Man O War: Never got into them... just can't... can't i tell you lol ...

thats all i can think of for now... as for Opeth... i like them... but i only have one album (Still Life) ... i think they are amazing musicians and i like the switch of back and forth between clean and death type of vocals... on that album... but i dont think they are great like other opeth fans do... but i think they do the job and entertain me with their music at least on that album.. anyways i recommend that album for peeps who are curious about them or were disillussioned with other albums they heard...