Bands You Don't Want at PPIV???

Glenn, yes this is a business, but what makes this festival so unique is the opportunity you give to the US fans to see bands that they will never be able to see unless they travel to Europe.

Thank you. I do indeed strive to bring over a quality lineup. However, each year that gets more and more difficult.

Listen, I have been faithful, and have already sent my money this year, but the prospect of heading to Atlanta or wherever, to see a domestic band headline is not that appealing

I appreciate your support 100%. If you are not satisfied with the complete roster instead of just the headliner, I will refund your money. I am that confident in my roster.

who cares if a band is headlining ProgPower if we can see them every time they release an album?

I'm afraid that this is where your location spoils you. I'm afraid that not all parts of the U.S. are privy to tours of most domestic bands of our genre.

Hey, maybe I've been spoiled with last years lineup

You said it, not me. :D Seriously, every single band that I went after last year did appear. I didn't have a single turn down. The stars were aligned and I doubt that happens again.

I'm sure whatever the lineup is this year, you will have done your best as you have in the past.

Thank you. This year has been very different in terms of booking bands for various reasons. I'm sure Mark of the BW Fest will tell you that its not as easy as simply inviting a band to play your show. I guarantee that some folks are going to be surprised at who is not playing as well as who *is* playing.

Glenn H.
Well Glenn, thanks for the honest response, and I look forward to the complete lineup. My guess for the headliner from Europe is Stratovarius. But then again, you did say we would be surprised at who is not playing, and I feel many people on this board are figuring it will be Stratovarius. The anticipation is building...
Band that I think would be terrible or not worth seeing at this festival include:

Nevermore- Boring

WHAT!!!! You have got to be shitting me, I have seen them three times, not once were they BORING!!! Put the pipe down!

Iced Earth- No Point; They Tour the US

Well I will disagree with you, Iced Earth doesn't tour the US alot, 2 times in 5 years??? I am really looking forward to seeing them play at PPUSA if they are indeed playing!!

Dream Theater- Ditto <-----Dont Care, seen them 10 times
Savatage- Ditto <-----Dont care to ever see them again
Yngwie- Ditto<------Dont care, he will probably try to unleash the fooking fury on an unsuspecting box of donuts!!
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
I like some of their stuff... but not their last album... and they cancelled their appearance at PP 2.0.

Yeah but that was such a tough time for everyone. Maybe not the most responsible decision a band has ever made, and I'd have been sorely dissapointed if a new about progpower back then. But on the other hand, I could understand their position at that time. And I think Beyond Daylight was great!
Originally posted by Harvester
You folks do realize that money is a factor in who is booked correct?

One of the headliners for this year is indeed making their first U.S. appearance. However, the other headline slot is still open. I have to ask myself if I would rather have a high profile domestic band at better price than an equal or lesser status band for a higher price from Europe (not to mention the pain in the ass of Visas).
Glenn H.

ohhhhh:eek: Stratovarius hasn't toured the US yet so they might have a chance ohhh my god I'm going to wet myself hehe
Originally posted by DrumRman
I understood what he said, and IMO I think Pagans Mind smoke enough and rock enough to Headline.

If you read any metal webzine websites, you'd see that the band is taking the metal community by storm. Out of over 40 reviews Ive read, only one one negative.

Out of curiosity about your gushing, I borrowed their new CD from a friend, and it does indeed kick all kinds of ass. However, despite the excellence, I don't think they would be in a headlining spot, purely based on the fact that they haven't been around very long. I think a more veteran band along the lines of Stratovarius/Helloween/whoever would be a better headlining fit. But they could definitely be in the next tier down.
Exactly my point YtseJammer! That's like me saying Human Fortress should headline. Great band that put out a great album, but so what? Same goes for Adagio. Pagan's Mind is good, but don't you think Threshold, a band that has put out numerous great albums should headline before a band that came out with 1 great album. Don't get carried away Mo!
Originally posted by Kyra
And I think Beyond Daylight was great!

I got a good chance to finally really listen to that album during my drive home from the SyX/BG shows in DC last Nov. I thought it was a pretty cool disc, and it's on my ever growing list of albums to buy. :)

That said, I wouldn't mind seeing them at a future ProgPower. I didn't know anything about the before 2.0, so I didn't much care back then.

SNOTE is that monster Progressive/Power Metal band from New York right?? I've seen them a few times! They should get the nod over just about everyone..with the exception of Helloween, Labyrinth, Sonata Arctica, and Stratovarius!

For those of you who don't know, their debut album DIRTY KID is phenomenal!
Originally posted by Harvester

I'm afraid that this is where your location spoils you. I'm afraid that not all parts of the U.S. are privy to tours of most domestic bands of our genre.

Glenn H.

Egggggzzactly!!! You hit the nail on the head there Glenn! This is but one of the many reasons we attend the PP festival without question!

...domestic metal bands touring the states are few and far between where we're from... can anybody say UTAH!?
