Bands You Don't Want at PPIV???


Feb 11, 2002
New York
Visit site
Band that I think would be terrible or not worth seeing at this festival include:

Dream Evil- Absolutely Boring and Uneventful
Anathema- Just doesn't fit the style of the event
Tornado- Sucks
Nevermore- Boring
Iced Earth- No Point; They Tour the US Frequently
Dream Theater- Ditto
Savatage- Ditto
Yngwie- Ditto

What do u guys think?
While I agree with you about most of those bands, I think it would be cool seeing some of them at PP. Obviously there is no need for a band like Dream Theater to play, but bands like Fates Warning or Savatage might be pretty cool.

Hail and Kill!
I wouldn't care to see Dream Theater, Savatage, Yngwie (or Satch, Eric Johnson or Vai) either. Other than that there aren't many I wouldn't give a chance to.

I could sit through just about anything else including Tornado or Dream Evil
Children of Bodom
Dream Evil
Iced Earth
Sonata Arctica
Mob Rules, Insania, Freedom Call, Heavenly, Supreme Majesty
Balance Of Power
Nocturnal Rites
Silent Voices
Thy Majestie
Steel Attack
Blind Guardian
Running Wild
Grave Digger
Lost Horizon
Dark Moor
Virgin Steel
Vanden Plas
Any 80's band
Pretty Maids
There are many bands that I would NOT like to see
I'm just soooooooooo glad that ProgMetalFan is not the organizer of ProgPower, because his festival would suck terribly!!!!!!!:D
You folks do realize that money is a factor in who is booked correct?

One of the headliners for this year is indeed making their first U.S. appearance. However, the other headline slot is still open. I have to ask myself if I would rather have a high profile domestic band at better price than an equal or lesser status band for a higher price from Europe (not to mention the pain in the ass of Visas).

Since this is a business, I have some tough choices to make and I doubt everyone is going to be happy with all of my selections.

That said, Dream Theater will not be playing the show. :)

Glenn H.
Originally posted by Harvester
You folks do realize that money is a factor in who is booked correct?

One of the headliners for this year is indeed making their first U.S. appearance.

Glenn H.

Oh God am I PRAYING its Pagan's Mind!!!

Originally posted by ProgMetalFan

Dream Evil
Balance Of Power
Nocturnal Rites
Silent Voices
Vanden Plas

Man Id LOVE to see any of those bands at PP4!

Different strokes for diff folks! ;)
OK OK, I give! DrumR, where can I order Pagan's Mind's newest CD from again? The clips and one full mp3 aren't enough anymore :p.
Hey, while I think Pagan's Mind is great, I'm not sure you understood what Glenn said. He said that one of the HEADLINERS are making their US debut. Pagan's Mind is far from a headliner. Let's be realistic now!

I am just hoping that Shaman is selected and gets a 3rd or 4th slot!!!

Human Fortress would be a great selection for 2nd lot!

Just throwing some names out!
Originally posted by Riceloft
OK OK, I give! DrumR, where can I order Pagan's Mind's newest CD from again? The clips and one full mp3 aren't enough anymore :p.

The CD I believe is still available at The end Records.... just look for the link here..

If The end is sold out, try either Sentinel Steel, or AOR heaven (All 3 stores are reliable , I use them, and all 3 linked at that link page). :D
Originally posted by nightwish58
Hey, while I think Pagan's Mind is great, I'm not sure you understood what Glenn said. He said that one of the HEADLINERS are making their US debut. Pagan's Mind is far from a headliner. Let's be realistic now!

I understood what he said, and IMO I think Pagans Mind smoke enough and rock enough to Headline.

If you read any metal webzine websites, you'd see that the band is taking the metal community by storm. Out of over 40 reviews Ive read, only one one negative.
"You folks do realize that money is a factor in who is booked correct?

One of the headliners for this year is indeed making their first U.S. appearance. However, the other headline slot is still open. I have to ask myself if I would rather have a high profile domestic band at better price than an equal or lesser status band for a higher price from Europe (not to mention the pain in the ass of Visas).

Since this is a business, I have some tough choices to make and I doubt everyone is going to be happy with all of my selections."

Glenn, yes this is a business, but what makes this festival so unique is the opportunity you give to the US fans to see bands that they will never be able to see unless they travel to Europe. Listen, I have been faithful, and have already sent my money this year, but the prospect of heading to Atlanta or wherever, to see a domestic band headline is not that appealing. Granted, not every year can we see the likes of an Angra and Blind Guardian headlining, but from our perspective, the paying fan, who cares if a band is headlining ProgPower if we can see them every time they release an album? Hey, maybe I've been spoiled with last years lineup. I'm sure whatever the lineup is this year, you will have done your best as you have in the past. Just wanted to voice my opinion. With that said, if there had to be a US band headlining, I guess my choice would be for Fates Warning!
Awww come on GLen....that's teasing!!!! But not too much, there are a great many bands who have not been on this side of the pond that we would like to see. As for ProgMetal fan, I think he took my dream band list and posted them. POWER METAL and tons of it! More more more!!!! :)
Hey now PMF, what's wrong with Vanden Plas? They're one of the bands you sent that I'm most hooked on! :p I would love to see them in the states.
Originally posted by Kyra
Hey now PMF, what's wrong with Vanden Plas? They're one of the bands you sent that I'm most hooked on! :p I would love to see them in the states.

I like some of their stuff... but not their last album... and they cancelled their appearance at PP 2.0.