bands youll never see


Sep 23, 2003
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just sat chillin out and i out some beatles stuff on(one of my fav bands btw)
and it came to me that im never gonna get to see them live obvs cause half of them are dead. :cry: kinda made me a bit sad dunno why
just thought id share that with everyone dont know why probs cause im bored again!!!

oh well peace out
Faith No More - never could make any of their dates.
Metallica (with Cliff) - died just before I got into the band
Sepultura (with Max) - things conspired against me making one of the last shows
Kyuss - got into them way too late (but have seen Unida, QOTSA and Fu Manchu at close quarters)
Yeah, a few bands I'm gutted I never got to see when they were around / good:

Entwined - college, other commitments and Terrorizer always ariving late made sure I missed all their gigs, and then they split. Bollocks!
Dissection - hadn't heard them until after Jon got sent down!
Iron Maiden - pre and including '92 Donnington, as I wasn't allowed to got to gigs then cuz my m+d thought they'd be people 'shooting up' in the crowd!!!
Paradise Lost - Gothic era, again, too young!
Guns N' Roses - when they had the old line up - same as above!
Also, many other Black Metal, Power Metal and True Metal bands, who are too small to make it worth them coming over to the UK to play, as there just isn't the support in this country as there is in say Germany or Spain etc... :erk: