Bands you've discovered this weekend?

Oct 4, 2007
The great thing about seeing live shows like PP is that you get the opportunity to listen to a bunch of bands that you might not otherwise have encountered. I went to the show primarily to see Threshold, Primal Fear, Sonata Artica and Primal Fear, but I came away with great impressions of After Forever and Firewind.

So, what bands have you jumped on the bandwagon because of your attendance at Powerprog?
Definitely Pagan's Mind! Also Redemption and Primal Fear. These three bands got me hooked.

I came to see primarily Sonata Arctica, Threshold, After Forever and Raintime...

Pagan's, AF and Redemption were totally worth the trip alone..
I had heard After Forever's debut album back when it came out, and I didn't like them... but I discovered during their live set how amazing a vocalist and a frontwoman Floor Jansen is. I also have never been much of a Primal Fear fan, but they owned Saturday for me, and Ralf Scheepers is a monster performer.
Primal Fear kicked my ass, and they now have a new fanboy and fangirl(my daughter)
AFTER FOREVER! I had pretty much written them off as “Beauty and the Beast” metal, which I’m not a fan of – since I don’t care for growls OR operatic style vocals.

But DAMN! Floor has such a powerful voice and a commanding stage presence that I was absolutely blown away. (The rest of the band isn’t bad, either. :lol: )

EDIT: How could I forget Threshold? I listened to a couple of CDs before leaving for PP and thought they were good...but what an AMAZING vocal performance from Damian!
Even though I missed their set, all the talk about Raintime has really impressed me. And I like the songs I've heard.

The other bands I either was introduced to beforehand or saw beforehand (Firewind and SA the Sunday before!) or wasn't impressed by.
I knew and was familiar with every single band on the bill, so as far as discovering performers, I discovered none.

However, as far as CD purchases and friend's indications, I came across many awesome bands who I can't stop listening to now, such as Pathosray. Glad we'll catch them next year, they're awesome!
I have been fan of Ray Alder since the first time I heard his voice on a Fates Warning album:worship:. But I never knew that he could pass for George Lopez's brother with a shave and a haircut! :lol:From where I was sitting (slightly off center, stage right about 12 rows up) the resemblance was remarkable. It was a kinda funny surprise to the evening.
I have to say Raintime is the one i discovered...but i had seen Primal in past and i enjoyed them much more this time around. Also found Firewind to be very cool and Freak Kitchen mega entertaining (i got sick and missed them last year)
Raintime, definitely. I was only really familiar with their "Beat It" cover before, but they put on a helluva show, so now I can take them seriously too!

Damn, all this hatred for Virgin Steele? That's a shame. Did they insult your mothers while I ran out to grab a beer?