Banned again from ANTHRAX board


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Very funny. There is a guy there that complained that I should be best buddies with Scott and Charlie and that we should all get along because we are in a band together. Well maybe this young fool should realize that the guys in Anthrax have never got along. Being in a band has nothing to do with
getting along has has more to do with being accountable. There is no I in we.
And when you say your gonna do it you should.
Fuck them Billy. Rosenfield came through with his business obligation now you are done with those cunts. Fuck those backstabbin pussies.You never have to deal with them again. later brother, Bobby O
Damn, I just read what you posted (it was just that one post right?) and I can't really see why you got banned. All it seemed like to me was you explaining that Charlie isn't interested in doing SOD and would just whine about doing it anyhow. What the hell? That is just stating the truth and I really didn't see why they would ban you from the board. Maybe it was because you said "vote Bush". Hehehe just messing with ya. I am not interested in getting in the topic of politics with anyone because I deal with enough of that working for the state of Michigan.
Just read your post (edited I think???), BANNED well that aint no loss, its crap on their board I posted a bad concert review about Anthrax because they were generally fucking shit when I saw them I wasnt even that nasty & I got fuck wits replying, not like the quality whom reply on your site even the french dude (covermeinoil) has class. why not start a new project...D.V.D (Darth Vader D....shit cant think of ought...!!! :yell: .) Ask Charlie I hear he is a clever fucker ????.
PEACE Billy (not so bitchy really just misunderstood)Milano
Buzzard said:
Very funny. There is a guy there that complained that I should be best buddies with Scott and Charlie and that we should all get along because we are in a band together. Well maybe this young fool should realize that the guys in Anthrax have never got along. Being in a band has nothing to do with
getting along has has more to do with being accountable. There is no I in we.
And when you say your gonna do it you should.

I can see your point about band members not getting along, its a business to make money, but in all reality if you know Scott or Charlie dont like you, you shouldnt have posted on their board.........................It was bound to happen.......getting banned that is
nik said:
Just read your post (edited I think???), BANNED well that aint no loss, its crap on their board I posted a bad concert review about Anthrax because they were generally fucking shit when I saw them I wasnt even that nasty & I got fuck wits replying, not like the quality whom reply on your site even the french dude (covermeinoil) has class. why not start a new project...D.V.D (Darth Vader D....shit cant think of ought...!!! :yell: .) Ask Charlie I hear he is a clever fucker ????.
PEACE Billy (not so bitchy really just misunderstood)Milano
You made an absolute piece of shit post which got one direct response.

Here is the link to remind you of how terrible your post was:
jdelpi said:
You made an absolute piece of shit post which got one direct response.

Here is the link to remind you of how terrible your post was:

The review wern't that bad...and thats what it was my first fucking review and posting.....
Thanks for being so friendly... at least Billy welcomed me on my first posting even if i aint the best writer/poster.
Buzzard said:
jdelpi said:
You made an absolute piece of shit post which got one direct response.

was a reply to the piece of shit ANTHRAX fans that live in 1985.
oh yeah- maybe i'll ban your punk ass here.

Slow down Billy. JDelphi was refering to NIK not you as having a piece of shit post. He also included an easy to follow link (if you would have clicked on it you would have found out). And if you do read NIK(s) posts you will realize that he is an idiot.
nik said:
The review wern't that bad...and thats what it was my first fucking review and posting.....
Thanks for being so friendly... at least Billy welcomed me on my first posting even if i aint the best writer/poster.

You sure aint the best writer/poster. You are a fucken idiot.
The post wasn't bad at all, This guy was just putting his opinion out there
on a show he saw....We've all done that more than once. get the fuck over yourself....Want something to be mad about.

Anthrax SUCKS peroid. I wish this was just to piss you off but it's my opinion
about the band who have done NOTHING good after among the living
and even that wasn't there best album...Scott Ian is GAY!! I swear if I see him on VH-1 one more fucking time I'd like to pound the shit outta him.

His work with S.O.D. is legendary stuff and no one can take that away
early anthrax is great as well....But why the fuck does this monkey want to
be all over VH-1 giving his opinion on shit when he could be out making music
like Dan Lilker, Jason Newsted, etc....I mean hell there's alot of established
musicians who actually like to make music, take a guy like Newsted I'm betting
he's got enough cash to never have to record again, yet the fucking guy is
smart enough to pick a band like Voi Vod to start jamming with.. I hate Metallica but have alot of respect for Newsted.

muffy, you and I haven't agreed on anything since we started posting here
and I'm betting it's not going to change now, But other than misspelling a few
words and not agreeing with you....Tell me why this guys such an idiot.

muffytheVampirelayer said:
Slow down Billy. JDelphi was refering to NIK not you as having a piece of shit post. He also included an easy to follow link (if you would have clicked on it you would have found out). And if you do read NIK(s) posts you will realize that he is an idiot.
jdelpi said:
You made an absolute piece of shit post which got one direct response.

Here is the link to remind you of how terrible your post was:

so people who like anthrax but give a bad reveiw of them post " piece of shit posts".

this is why i dont post on the anthrax board, I dont need someone telling me i write "piece of Shit posts".

Oh yeah anthrax sucks
T_man357 said:
The post wasn't bad at all, This guy was just putting his opinion out there
on a show he saw....We've all done that more than once. get the fuck over yourself....Want something to be mad about.

Anthrax SUCKS peroid. I wish this was just to piss you off but it's my opinion
about the band who have done NOTHING good after among the living
and even that wasn't there best album...Scott Ian is GAY!! I swear if I see him on VH-1 one more fucking time I'd like to pound the shit outta him.

His work with S.O.D. is legendary stuff and no one can take that away
early anthrax is great as well....But why the fuck does this monkey want to
be all over VH-1 giving his opinion on shit when he could be out making music
like Dan Lilker, Jason Newsted, etc....I mean hell there's alot of established
musicians who actually like to make music, take a guy like Newsted I'm betting
he's got enough cash to never have to record again, yet the fucking guy is
smart enough to pick a band like Voi Vod to start jamming with.. I hate Metallica but have alot of respect for Newsted.

muffy, you and I haven't agreed on anything since we started posting here
and I'm betting it's not going to change now, But other than misspelling a few
words and not agreeing with you....Tell me why this guys such an idiot.

Newstead fucken rules, so does Voi Vod (their cover of Astonomy Domaine is probably one of the best covers by any band ever) so see T-Bag we do agree on a couple of things. Why I think NIK is/was an idiot is he only came to the Anthrax board to bash, his first post was a pile of crap. If he would have done the same thing here, we all would have trashed him.

If you dont like Anthrax thats fine with me, its not my band, and you not liking them does not make me pissed. I dont really care what you like or dont like. And I think he goes on VH-1 for the $$$$$, which is a smart thing to do, because money is good.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Newstead fucken rules, so does Voi Vod (their cover of Astonomy Domaine is probably one of the best covers by any band ever) so see T-Bag we do agree on a couple of things. Why I think NIK is/was an idiot is he only came to the Anthrax board to bash, his first post was a pile of crap. If he would have done the same thing here, we all would have trashed him.

First post...I'd only just got onto message boards on the internet (bit board of same old, same old porn sites), and I had only just seen Anthrax that month and the show made me wont to write. If I was on line when I saw them the year before supporting Motorhead I'd have said how great they were..but hey never mind..and now I cant stop writing on this board as genrally I agree with the mind set of most of the posters...unlike on the Anthrax board. but thats life so peace and respect...and remember were on BILLY'S board so better not be tooooo nice so FUCKER YOU FUCKING SPACKER...(only messing lol)

And those who stuck up for the little man
CHEERS :worship:
I cant stop writing on this board as genrally I agree with the mind set of most of the posters...unlike on the Anthrax board. but thats life so peace and respect...and remember were on BILLY'S board so better not be tooooo nice

I can't stop posting either man....I usually hate these kind of things but I find myself checking it daily throughout the day....Hmmmm probably because Billy rules and its really good for a laugh or some good ol shit talking and the main people that post seem to be really cool T-man, Bobo, Old School come to mind...Some people don't know how to read the part on Billy's site that says "Not for the easily offended" and cry like little girls....xxmetalheadxx and Szandor also come to mind
I can't stop posting either man....I usually hate these kind of things but I find myself checking it daily throughout the day....Hmmmm probably because Billy rules and its really good for a laugh or some good ol shit talking and the main people that post seem to be really cool T-man, Bobo, Old School come to mind...Some people don't know how to read the part on Billy's site that says "Not for the easily offended" and cry like little girls....xxmetalheadxx and Szandor also come to mind[/QUOTE]

Shit I'm not the only one then!!! I check this board out more than fucking

metalheads fuckin french
szandors german (that'l piss the ungratefull fuck wit)
muffys a spacker
and BILLYS a "bitchio"

remember the fuck wits when U.S.A for M.O.D came out the english press for one just didnt get it at all...A.I.D.S is a classic...they all wanted to listern to fuckin sweet child of fuckin mine :puke: .