Banned By Mtv!

It has NOTHING to do with the band's line-up.
It has EVERYTHING to do with money.
Sanctuary won't support the band (bribe radio stations into playing Anthrax).
Look at Metallica... St. Anger is the worst album of all time, yet $$$Electra$$$ Record$ get$ all those shitty songs on the radio.
kotzunder said:
i thought "war is my sheppherd " was against :confused: :hypno:
It is, but MTV thinks it promotes war because its on an aircraft carrier. They fuck things up like that a lot, such as for In My Darkest Hour was originally banned because they thought it was about suicide.
ThraxDude said:
It has NOTHING to do with the band's line-up.
It has EVERYTHING to do with money.
Sanctuary won't support the band (bribe radio stations into playing Anthrax).
Look at Metallica... St. Anger is the worst album of all time, yet $$$Electra$$$ Record$ get$ all those shitty songs on the radio.

And if you dont believe what this man is saying, go get this book either from a bookstore or library, and educate yourself on the workings of the music industry, and how they contol who and what we listen to. I read this book in 5 hours on a flight.
Yeah it is all a huge fucking crock of shit, i cannot understand how they say Anthrax is offensive when they aired shows such as Jackass, Wildboys, The Tom Green Show, and Viva La Bam.

atleast we have uranium tho i dont know how much play it will get on there.

just wondering does anyone here have a copy of the Madhouse video and Who Cares Wins video that they could send me, i was too young then to know about Anthrax and i'd like to watch these videos.

does anyone have a list of all the Anthrax Music Videos they could post?

I'd bitch more but seems like everything has been covered.
MTV banned two Anthrax videos when Joey was in the band. This is not the reason. Hey, come on, everybody knows MTV sucks ass, so why so big deal about it.
In my crappy country, bands WANT their shitty videos to be banned by our shitty TV stations, because then they gain more publicity! It probably doesn´t work for Anthrax in the US though.
Inside Out said:
just wondering does anyone here have a copy of the Madhouse video and Who Cares Wins video that they could send me, i was too young then to know about Anthrax and i'd like to watch these videos.

does anyone have a list of all the Anthrax Music Videos they could post?

I'd bitch more but seems like everything has been covered.
One of these days, all the old Anthrax home videos will be re-released on DVD. I can assure you of that. Might not be this year, might not be next year, but sometime, all the videos will be on DVD.
Ragamuffin said:
Who cares? It wasn't going to get played anyway. MTV doesn't play metal anymore.
that's what i was thinkin, do they really think they would get some airplay in the daytime with a vid about zombies!!C'mon!!!!!!!you need a vid with a hot chick!!Staceys mom got it going on!!!!!!!!Or should I say Drowning Pool??
Hopefully they'll release this in the boxset. I can't wait to have every video on dvd. Be nice if it was nothing but the videos too, like the last Pantera dvd.

ThraxDude said:
One of these days, all the old Anthrax home videos will be re-released on DVD. I can assure you of that. Might not be this year, might not be next year, but sometime, all the videos will be on DVD.
thanks Jdelphi and Thraxdude, sometimes my brain farts and other times it shits.

is there any chance of me getting PoV like as a special order from coconuts or something?
"There you have it. Hypocrisy anyone?
This sure does bring back the good 'ole days of Tipper Gore and the
PMRC. Remember them? They were cute compared to what we've got to fight against now.

Free speech for the dumb,
