Really? Cool guys? Cool guys banned me for arguing that Reamping doesn't add compression to a guitar track and that Krank's sounding good on record doesn't have anything to do with 'studio magic'?
Seriously - every post Noodles made was some bat-shit far leftest interpretation of any generic news story ever. I don't think I could ever hang out with the guy because all he did was blab on and on about ridiculous, media-sensationalized semi-political bullshit, at least when he wasn't talking shit about equipment he'd obviously never used properly or falsely claiming that there was no way that I had ever had any real studio time, while him and his 'awesome' band Division had recorded multiple albums (despite the fact that he's only recorded 1 with them, and the production more than speaks for itself).
They may have both changed in the last 3-4 years, but I don't really care - defending them as 'really cool guys' goes against everything I ever experienced on that forum.