Bass Guitar: Why?

DoomsdayZach said:
THen again, bassists never get the chicks ;)

Ahem. I've dated more bassists than anything else (and have, for the record, dated only one singer). Apparently, my crush on John Taylor really burned itself into my subconscious. ;)

That big, booming thunder... hot stuff!!!

Bass is probably the least satisfying to play because you are mostly there just for background and for added heaviness. Would be cool if more bands utilized the bass better.

Also I don't get these bands with 3 guitars AND a bass, what is the point?
Good bass is what elevates a good song into a fantastic one! Listen to what Tony Levin does and I'm fairly sure you'd agree. If you move outside of metal I'd say that oftentimes the bass is more important than the guitar.
Mosquito said:
Cliff was great, no doubt. However, I argue that Steve Harris is much better. Of course, Cliff gets more credit since he's dead, but I'll stick to my guns here. : )

Steve is an excellent riff writer, groove player, and fast as fuck with them fingers. But... Cliff made a bass sound like a guitar, and could wail on his bass as well as many guitarists could shred their guitars. Cliff was a lead guitarist who played bass.

Steve is awesome. Cliff was awesome. In their own ways.

Now then...... Billy Sheehan....
alright I haven't even taken time to read through everyone's explanations on the instruments but me being strictly a bass player the reason I got into playing bass was because of the fact that no one played bass. Until I got to high school. I was also interested in bass because im definately not coordinated enough to play drums and I like carrying the tempo of a song. Bass does just that most of the time, it helps create and maintain the tempo. A band just isn't a band without the bass player, unless you have a keyboardist that has taken over.

Im not saying you can't do more than just keep the song together with a bass though, and that is what keeps my interest. Im constantly finding new things to do within the band environment. Choosing something to play is naturally based on your own personal intrigues, no one can really tell you what you could/should play and it is really unfair to ask all the musicians out there what you should play because well...lets face it, We're all going to be biased. :lol: ((bass players do it better.))
<3 Mr. Big.

I'd love to see the one of the shows with Sheehan, Portney, Gilbert, and Cherone's Tribute to the Who