Anyone else dissapointed?

Creeps, I understand the history of Rage for sure and for me they are a solid, solid band. But Glenn had mentioned a "pecking order" and had said that his selections were based on fan base. Now I think you and I would both agree that Rage does NOT have a huge fan base in the USA despite their longevity. Hell, most people here never heard them until ProgPower. I'm just saying that what he told me and what is going on now is different. Sure, I don't know who turned him down or who he tried to get but there's still no way that Rage should headline a US show. Gamma Ray didn't even headline and they sell something here.

As for what I expect, I think the show should have some clearly defined Power bands and some clearly defined Prog bands that people haven't seen before. Evergrey was a GREAT choice at Prog II. But then to do it again at Prog 4? No. Same with Edguy. Nobody loved their show more than me, but there are still a TON of bands out there that would say you don't have to repeat them already. I guess on the Power front, it was missing for me last year escept for Rage and Nightwish. This year it's REALLY missing for me except Tad Morose. The others I have seen or will see. There's just no reason in the world to have 3 bands that have already played ProgPower at this juncture. As a metal fan, I'm thinking that this show should be able to get to Prog VII before we see 3 repeats. That's just me, though.
Sorry to interupt, but Gamma Ray did headline Saturday night. They simply chose the 4th spot because of an early flight to Montreal the next day.

As for your other points, we simply have a different philosophy on how to book a successful festival from a commerical standpoint. While you prefer the clearly defined bands, I will continue to concentrate on those that blur the line.

As for repeaters, there will always be a few provided the timeline stays the same. Edguy has played one show in the States and that was two years ago. I don't think they have worn out their welcome. I truly understand your point, but I have a lot of money at stake here. If you had a choice between a proven seller that is hot at the moment vs an unknown, who would you choose? Utopia is nice, but business is business. The lower spots are indeed where I gamble and it just happens that you don't like them this year. That's fine. Perhaps next time.

Anyhow, I appreciate the support and wish you the best of luck at Brave Words.

Good enough, Glenn, and I stand corrected and Gamma Ray. Knock 'em dead again this year! I still love your show even if I'm not totally on-board with the lineup.
I totally agree with you Glenn. For example, while it would be nice to see another ProgPower II (or something like it), I know you lost money on it and you can't have lineups like that if you keep losing money from them.
My top 10 Bands:

Dream Theater, Rush, Fates Warning, Marillion, King's X, Enchant, Soundscape, Transatlantic, Pain of Salvation, Shaman (Andre Matos with Angra).

I also happen to be a big fan classic progressive rock, neoprog, and most recently jazz-rock, world music, amongst others (Pat Metheny Group for 1). Bands like ZeroHour, Power of Omens, Evergrey, and esp. Superior in past PP's have drawn me there and will continue to.

To fathom that Shaman might have been there doesn't make me disappointed, but if it would have been along with PoS, well that might have made this from being an absolute lifetime event for me having 2 of my 10 favorite bands play the same weekend. PoS may have replaced Shaman so I dunno. The more I think about it, seeing Zak with Savatage does intrigue me. At 1 time I was a very big Savatage fan. I love Chance, some stuff off EoT, DWD and WoM. I never got to see Zak with them so that adds to the draw this year, esp considering it may be a 1-time/last time ever chance. If only John Arch with Fates Warning could happen in a similar fashion someday.

So I can't say I'm disappointed as I've come to expect from PP this kind of thing. A Balance. Some Prog, some Power, who really likes labels anyway? It is a tough job, and Glenn knows that. It also costs a lot of time and cash, etc. I see no reason to bitch, but I also see no reason to not consider passing. I did last year. Stuff costs $, there a lot of things that the entertainment dollar can bring if you have enough of an eclectic lifestyle as some people do. Hell I wanna try seeing the Sundance film festival someday. Too bad I don't have the ability to write it off on my taxes (atleast I don't think I do). So I am going to try and make this 1, try having enough $ on May 1st to buy a ticket and then find a way to afford airfare a hotel and all the usual expenses. I have to say, Paul Cashman I feel I owe a great deal of debt to in past festivals for helping me out with hotels. If possible, I'd be all for splitting a room again at the Fairfield if it's possible still.

anyway, hats off Glenn. Hope to see you there. I am not currently on radio so hoping for a media credential that in years past I might have been allowed isn't currently in my status. But I still hope to be part of this years festival as street team help, passing the word along at 1 forum I frequent.

glasscastle said:
hmmm....if Brainstorm is not strictly POWER, I don't know what is :confused:

and Dreamscape is defintely more progressive than power!!
yeah, I kinda forgot about brainstorm, sorry. but from the dreamscape track, unless that's like the most hard-driving song they've ever done, i would not say they're entirely prog.

1metal1 said:
D: As far as Rage being there to excite metalheads, I was into that but not after hearing that there is a "pecking order" of bands that Glenn wants and that Running Wild is on the "B-list". How in the hell does Rage make any sort of headline list? I like them, don't get me wrong, but HEADLINING? They're not in that league and feedback shows/showed that I may right about that point.
I think you're wrong.
almost 100% of the negative feedback I have seen on this forum about Rage came from people who didn't stay for their set. and likewise, pretty much everyone who actually stayed for them said that they truly earned their headlining slot. They tore the fucking place apart in ways that I've only seen Angel Dust and Edguy come close to. Rage was awesome, end of story. I didn't think they were headliner material to begin with either because i was entirely unfamiliar, but having watched them, i understand completely. I dont' think you were on this forum around the aftermath of the festival last year, given the feedback comment you just made.

i agree with you both. rage's performance was amazing and was the best i've ever seen until they wasted time with long ass solos, but they just didn't draw the crowd glenn probably wants. the people that actually saw them generally thought they were great though. i disagree with the person that said rage has a very small fan base in the USA. it's just a different fan base imo. yeah, they aren't as popular as symphony x or something, but they are bigger than you think. they don't really fit in well to the whole progpower thing though. it's a different type of music than is normal at the progpowers, which I think is GOOD since it creates a mix, but if it doesn't draw enough...then i dunno. most old school rage fans aren't really into vanden plas or redemption or whatever. i am eternally grateful for glenn for booking them anyway and giving them the headlining spot, or i may have never seen them. they sure did deliver. now we just need to have running wild in the states, but i fear glenn may not want to bring them over since rage wasn't really a huge draw.
I will not complaint about quality, or talk about “Prog vs Power”,
I am disappointed in a way. This is my personal math:

4 bands I am fan of (Angra, Blind Guardian, Gamma ray, Edguy).
1 band I like (Silent Force).
5 bands I never heard of (Devin, TOS, Zero 1, Zero 2, Threshold).
NOTE: Threshold was a VERY nice surprise for me since I am not that big fan of Prog.

2 Band that I am fan of (Edguy, Savatage)
1 Bands I like (Kamelot)
2 I don’t care too much (Tad Morose, POS)
5 Bands I have never heard of (… my fault of course…)

That says it all, OF COURSE I would have paid $95 to see these bands, specially with the “Savatage thing”, but flying from Honduras is just too expensive. I liked the PPIV lineup better but still not worth the plane tickets. Well, that could be good in a way, I will be saving money to see what PPVI will be about.

Good job Glenn, and PROG POWER festival RULES!!!!

“may be” I’ll be seeing you next year!