bass tuning low with pedal??

so is there any chance to drop my bass tuning with pedal when i playing live??
if its possible then what pedal u recomended? i want tune down to B :headbang: ...and i ask this becouse when i tune my bass to b tune then strings goes soo sloppy and i wanted it to be tight of course stronger string but is this possible :kickass:
Nothing I know of would track the notes fast/well enough in the low range.
Buy a 5 string instead of a pedal? Tune to B all of the time and just transpose other songs?
Seriously, buy a used 5-string, or use a 4-string with some heavy gauges. Also make sure you get something 35" scale. No pedal will be able to pitch your tone that low without it sounding like a mess (though I have heard a midi pickup triggering off sub-octave synth bass which was godly).