IOfTheStorm said:
Im all over this kind of melodies. Check the Domine tune.

Yeah, I checked out a few samples on the net. It is DEFINITELY on my "TO BUY" list. I'll have it within 2 weeks. It sounds awesome and 3765554 x better than that other Domine I have.

Seriously IoTS, have you fucking bought Martiria - The Age of Return yet, or what? It's phenomenal.
IOfTheStorm said:
is this based on Michael Moorcock's novels?
barely, but you know what? I always wanted to be, lol

something about them made me feel funny in the pants...I have a couple bootlegs, but honestly never listened to them (good trade bait)

perhaps I should, lol

or perhaps I shouldn't

I've always been tempted but I know/read they've released alot of chaff with the wheat, so to speak...and they've gotta be one of the most heavily reissued/compiled/recycled catalogues out there.

IOftheStorm: I'll bet you know something about these guys.

btw I read all that Elric shit in college when I was totally stoned all the time. good stuff.
Hawkwind deserve a topic of their own actually. They do indeed have an album called "The Chronicle Of The Black Sword" and they were friends with Michael Moorcock (who does some spoken parts in this album). I like this album very much (it's their most heavy metal album too, what most..the album is metal), but it doesnt belong in their classics (for most of the world). They even released a live album dedicated to "Chronicles.." simply called "Live Chronicles", they play it on its entity there (but there is a version of the release, with another cd with other various songs of them performed live). Their 70s period is their best, were the defined "space rock". The most amazing part about them is that they are probably the only band that played EVERYTHING rock related (hard rock, heavy rock, some garage, some punk, heavy metal, jazz rock, even ambient) throughout their career..not always successfully, but they did. Most of the metal world (me for example) learned them from Amorphis' cover of "Levitation" (the first Hawkwind album i bought, and still one of my favourites of them, one of their easiest and more straight forward possible as this is, i recommend it for a start). But their real treasures are albums like "Warrior On The Edge Of Time" (my favourite Hawkwind album by far), "In Search Of Space", "Hall Of The Mountain Grill", and "Quark Strangeness and Charm". Their music is a little bit hard to digest (especially if you are not in much 70s material), harder than most of prog rock of example (kraut rock excluded). But the more you listen to them, the more you are able follow their song arrangements, their melodies and the whole trip of their music. Their most famous songs are probably the only with typical structure (verses, chorus etc), generally their music is the audio equivalent of a black hole, totally chaotic.