Battle of the Albums

Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God 18 SAVE
Finntroll - Nattfodd 8 KILL
Borknagar - Epic 26
Eluveitie - Slania 32
Decapitated - Nihility 18

Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thundergods 16 sorry.
Finntroll-Nattfodd 10 :mad:
Borknagar-Epic 26
Eluveitie-Slania 32
Decapitated-Nihility 18
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 18
Finntroll-Nattfodd 6 KILL
Borknagar-Epic 28 SAVE
Eluveitie-Slania 32
Decapitated-Nihility 18
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 16 kill
Finntroll-Nattfodd 6
Borknagar-Epic 30 SAVE
Eluveitie-Slania 32
Decapitated-Nihility 18
truth (trōōth)
n. pl. truths (trōōthz, trōōths)
1. Twilight of the Thunder God is one of the best albums of the year HANDS DOWN.
2. These bands games fucking suck
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 20
Finntroll-Nattfodd 0 Mediocre and I'm sorry I don't see what all the Vreth noise is about.
Borknagar-Epic 32 Even though I genuinely HATE their new drummer on a personal level, save.
Eluveitie-Slania 32
Decapitated-Nihility 18

New album: King Diamond- Abigail
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 18 fdeagragf
Borknagar-Epic 34 save
Eluveitie-Slania 32
Decapitated-Nihility 18
King Diamond-Abigail 20
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 18 RA-TA-TA-TA-TA
Borknagar-Epic 36 yaw
Eluveitie-Slania 30
Decapitated-Nihility 18
King Diamond-Abigail 20
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 18
Borknagar-Epic 38 SAVE
Eluveitie-Slania 30
Decapitated-Nihility 16 KILL
King Diamond-Abigail 20