Battle of the Albums

Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 22
Borknagar-Epic 40 SAVE
Eluveitie-Slania 26
Decapitated-Nihility 14 KILL
King Diamond-Abigail 20

New album: Solefald - The Linear Scaffold

Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 22
Solefald - The Linear Scaffold 20
Eluveitie-Slania 26
Decapitated-Nihility 14
King Diamond-Abigail 20

Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 20 gfdasgfg
Solefald - The Linear Scaffold 22 <33
Eluveitie-Slania 26
Decapitated-Nihility 14
King Diamond-Abigail 20
Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God 22
Solefald - The Linear Scaffold 24 SAVE
Eluveitie - Slania 24
Decapitated - Nihility 12 KILL
King Diamond - Abigail 20
Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God 20 gfffffffffagaerhs
Solefald - The Linear Scaffold 26 oh yes
Eluveitie - Slania 24
Decapitated - Nihility 12
King Diamond - Abigail 20
Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God 20
Solefald - The Linear Scaffold 26
Eluveitie - Slania 24
Decapitated - Nihility 10 Meh
King Diamond - Abigail 22 Grandmaaaaaaa!!!!
Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God 22
Solefald - The Linear Scaffold 28 SAVE
Eluveitie - Slania 22
Decapitated - Nihility 8 KILL
King Diamond - Abigail 22
Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God 22
Solefald - The Linear Scaffold 30 SAVE
Eluveitie - Slania 22
Decapitated - Nihility 8 KILL
King Diamond - Abigail 22
Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God 24 SAVE
Solefald - The Linear Scaffold 30
Eluveitie - Slania 20 KILL
Decapitated - Nihility 8
King Diamond - Abigail 22

gasps! Why is Decapitated in single digits??????

Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thundergod 24
Solefad-The Linear Scaffold 30
Eluveitie-Slania 18 KILL
Decapitated-Nihility 10 SAVE
King Diamond-Abigail 22
Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God 26
Solefad-The Linear Scaffold 32 SAVE
Eluveitie-Slania 16
Decapitated-Nihility 10
King Diamond-Abigail 20 KILL