Battle of the Bands

I saw them, and they dissapointed me to be honest.

And i agree, but dark funeral DO have something unique in my opinion, but i see your point.
I remember you saying you would check out taake, did you? Theyre about the most original BM band out there :lol:
I did check out Taake and I do think they are definately an example of an original and good black metal band..

However, Dark Funeral still suck.
I remember you saying you like Hate Forest, Nattefrost and some other black metal bands that are just as generic as Dark Funeral. I mean Nattefrost has something original for sure, but nothing more than DF.
The reason I don't like Dark Funeral is because I already like all those other bands, and whenever I listen to DF I'm just like "oh it's this kinda shit again" :lol:
Seriously though, Dark Funeral are generic fucking BM, they don't bring anything special or new to Black Metal and their last album sucked shit.



seriously. dark funeral is awesome :lol:

Anyway this song is too fucking awesome.
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I know, dude I have been listening to this band for like 2 days, I first heard of them while listening to the Wacken live stream (;_; I know) but :lol: I have been hooked ever since, Attero Dominatus and The Art of War are epic CDs, Primo Victoria as well.

The Price of a Mile and 40-1 are my faves on TAOW, but they're all pretty great...

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Good Black Metal = Black Metal that isn't just the same old fucking shit. For example Emperor or Negura Bunget, speaking of Negura Bunget you better have seen their show at Wacken.

Man, that statement's simply wrong. you can't enjoy Darkthrone, Marduk and the likes? taking nothing away from the great bands such as Emperor but traditional Black Metal is good in it's own rights as is Blacked Death Metal that was killed here so easy and i don't see why.
I know, dude I have been listening to this band for like 2 days, I first heard of them while listening to the Wacken live stream (;_; I know) but :lol: I have been hooked ever since, Attero Dominatus and The Art of War are epic CDs, Primo Victoria as well.

The Price of a Mile and 40-1 are my faves on TAOW, but they're all pretty great...

you know, my Sabaton vote earlier was a blind vote.

Now I'm glad I did it.
Who keeps spelling Annihilator wrong? :lol:
Angra 18
Vintersorg 26
Annihilator 26 SAVE
Dark Funeral 18
Sabaton 16 KILL Never ever heard of them
Who keeps spelling Annihilator wrong? :lol:
Angra 18
Vintersorg 26
Annihilator 26 SAVE
Dark Funeral 18
Sabaton 16 KILL Never ever heard of them

So why kill them? Killing a band that you've never even fucking heard is just about the most retarded thing you could do in this game, in fact. It totally defeats the point in this game.
ngra 18
Vintersorg 26
Annihilator 26
Dark Funeral 16 Kill
Sabaton 18 Save

Sabaton are a very strong band, they don't do bad albums or songs for that matter, the lyrics are awesome, they are not on anybodys band wagon. The new album is awesome. I gave up on this thread when you all voted off Manowar, but now sabaton is here i feel the need to save them.