Battle of the Bands

Angra 16
Vintersorg 26
Annihilator 28
Dark Funeral 10 KILL


For the record, I haven't been this impressed by a band in years. Honest to god I love them.
Ok, I have heard nothing/very little of all those bands, but I just want to participate in the game.
Bawww, please don't be mean. :[
Well it's quite simple really (this goes for everyone): If you haven't heard/heard of a band on the list. Check them out, go on their myspace, search on youtube, whatever. You'll know wether you want to kill or save them within seconds.
Ok, I have heard nothing/very little of all those bands, but I just want to participate in the game.
Bawww, please don't be mean. :[

So why kill them? Killing a band that you've never even fucking heard is just about the most retarded thing you could do in this game, in fact. It totally defeats the point in this game.


You should use youtube to educate yourself or just go back a page. I always post songs by the new bands.
20 Angra --- SAVE
28 Vintersorg
28 Annihilator
06 Dark Funeral --- KILL
22 Sabaton

I'd save Sabaton but Angra needs my help! Please, to all those who are going to kill Angra or Sabaton because you haven't even heard of them, please at least give them the time of day to hear one or two of their songs before destroying them and making the Hall of Shame contain such epic bands. -_- I have not once "killed" a band that I have not given a chance on youtube.
hey. I'm the one spelling Annhilator wrong.

I'm dyslexic, deal with it.
Don't take offense i was just jesting. It's just that i use Ctrl + C. By the way your grammar is very good i would have had no idea you were dyslexic.
I had a listen to Sabaton (as i had no time to this morning before school and they are alright)

Angra 20
Vintersorg 28
Annihilator 30 SAVE
Dark Funeral 4 KILL
Sabaton 22
I'm gonna give Angra a little vote, although they aren't the greatest band at the moment (in fact, they are quite normal since Matos left the band).

Angra 22 SAVE
Vintersorg 28
Annihilator 30
Dark Funeral 2 KILL
Sabaton 22

By the way, for the next one to kill DF, please choose a decent non death non black metal band. I'm sick of all these shitty options.
Angra 20 KILL
Vintersorg 28
Annihilator 30
Dark Funeral 4 SAVE
Sabaton 22

Time to get Dark Funeral out of the rut and in the Hall of Fame, you're all missing out on the tremolo blastbeast fest that is awesome. :p