Battle of the Bands

SolefaLd 16
Norther 10
Kalmah 36 SAVE
Gamma Ray 24 KILL :)waah: I just need to get a new band on the list! And they have the most points so they can take a hit)
Catamenia 20
If you want a new band on the list then kill Norther they suck AND have the least points... You're method doesn't make any sense...
If you want a new band on the list then kill Norther they suck AND have the least points... You're method doesn't make any sense...

5 votes to kill Norther and bring a new band, only 3 to save Kalmah... makes sense to me. Plus I like(d) Norther. Their new CD sucks shit but for past relationships I won't kill them!
So you're killing Gamma Ray instead of a band that now suck and have a fagend frontman?
So you're killing Gamma Ray instead of a band that now suck and have a fagend frontman?
Gamma Ray have the most votes, and I love all the bands on the list, so by my logic they can take a hit and will be saved later I'm sure but the others I don't know if anyone cares about the enough.

He does what he wants, he need not make sense :lol:

I'm waiting for one of the kids here to add a new band.
I think it's hilarious, personally, that people are killing Norther and saving Kalmah at the same time, when in their early days both bands sounded EXACTLY THE SAME. :lol:

But no matter, at least one of them is headed to the HoF. I can live with that. :kickass:

If you think Norther and Kalmah sound the same then you're not really listening to the music.
Solefald 16
Norther 8 Kill
Kalmah 40 HOF
Gamma Ray 24
Catamenia 18

SKID ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Solefald 16
Norther 8
Skid Row 20
Gamma Ray 24
Catamenia 18

Please, please, PLEASE, make me proud CoB-OT.

OR ELSE. :heh:
I feel kinda bad for Norther. I don't like them enough to SAVE them, but I'll admit I did enjoy Death Unlimited a lot so regardless it was kind of lame of me to kill them. Never shall I kill a band again just because I think it's too weak to stay in the game anyway. That's what makes this the battle of the bands! :erk:

...not that anyone cares. I just felt like ranting.
Hypocrisy is a lot more 'br00tal' than Nile wtf :lol:

RU fcking kidding me? Well, maybe Hypocrisy's early albums only, but not the pussy stuff they've been making lately.

Look at all the ppl killing Nile. The thread is soooo full of fags.

Ensiferum 18 KILL
Solefald 16
Skid Row 26 SAVE
Gamma Ray 28
Catamenia 18

Killing Ensiferum? /facepalm

Ensiferum 20 Save
Solefald 14 Kill (just cuz Heartless asked to =))
Skid Row 26
Gamma Ray 28
Catamenia 18
What's wrong with that? Power and prog metal, along with heavy metal, is the best metal you can get.

There's nothing wrong with that, but the guy is being a hypocrite. He won't give thrash/death metal a chance and is saying that people here are close-minded :)