Fair enough if you like it, just doesn't do anything for me. Transilvanian Hunger's production is fine though, and Ildjarn's production isn't my key problem, it's that I don't think the music is very good and adjusting to the sonic harshness to hear it is just an extra annoyance for no pay-off. That said PE and noise is kinda worthless too, I used to enjoy it way more than I do these days tbh.

I'll always have a soft spot for shit like NWW, Gerogerigegege, Whitehouse etc though.
Right I was looking for a fight by saying you like to finger asses and posting memes using your face lmfao I just can't help myself, I'm like Christopher Hitchens or something. :lol:

Yeah, maybe because I don't want something KKK related swimming around on the internet with my face on it. Much less to do with being triggered and more to do with you posting shit about me publicly. I doubt it will come to anything I actually have to worry about but it's still enough to piss me off that someone who is almost a complete stranger thinks it's funny to take anything that far, yeah.

It turned into whatever this gay shit is because you got triggered that I used your face. Dumb cracker.

*awaits some cooked up explanation that you pulled out of your ass about how you're not actually white*

I really don't care, you said 138 sounded better than Molesting the Decapitated even though the former has all the latter's tracks on it, you're an absolute brainlet.

All I remember about that stupid fucking band and the many chances I gave them is that I liked "Babykiller" more than any of the tracks on Molesting the Decapitated, and not by much. I can maybe understand why their later stuff with better production is decent but that album is a steaming pile of horse manure with nothing memorable, catchy, or anything that makes slam even remotely listenable. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

And you want to talk about triggered, how about the absolute fit you're about to throw after reading my OPINION about the band. I know you too well. :lol:
Yeah, maybe because I don't want something KKK related swimming around on the internet with my face on it. Much less to do with being triggered and more to do with you posting shit about me publicly. I doubt it will come to anything I actually have to worry about but it's still enough to piss me off that someone who is almost a complete stranger thinks it's funny to take anything that far, yeah.

You're acting like I did some masterful photoshop op on you, all I did was MS Paint your face poorly over a little kid in a KKK robe lmfao. Like, an obvious little kid.

*awaits some cooked up explanation that you pulled out of your ass about how you're not actually white*

I am white, it's just funny to call you full-breeds crackers. :lol:

All I remember about that stupid fucking band and the many chances I gave them is that I liked "Babykiller" more than any of the tracks on Molesting the Decapitated, and not by much. I can maybe understand why their later stuff with better production is decent but that album is a steaming pile of horse manure with nothing memorable, catchy, or anything that makes slam even remotely listenable. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

And you want to talk about triggered, how about the absolute fit you're about to throw after reading my OPINION about the band. I know you too well.

Add me on Fecesbook so I can unfriend and block you over this!
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I am white, it's just funny to call you full-breeds crackers. :lol:

What? I don't think there's anyone on earth that isn't off by at least a couple of percentages. I'm around 15% Native American by the way (hence the big nose) but I wouldn't identify as such.

Add me on Fecesbook so I can unfriend and block you over this!

I would but then you'd just forward everything I said to TB like you did last time.
Fair enough if you like it, just doesn't do anything for me. Transilvanian Hunger's production is fine though, and Ildjarn's production isn't my key problem, it's that I don't think the music is very good and adjusting to the sonic harshness to hear it is just an extra annoyance for no pay-off. That said PE and noise is kinda worthless too, I used to enjoy it way more than I do these days tbh.

I'll always have a soft spot for shit like NWW, Gerogerigegege, Whitehouse etc though.

My best friend for fuck knows how long is heavily into the noise scene. Not really my thing but I appreciate it and it's fun in a live setting.
You're acting like I did some masterful photoshop op on you, all I did was MS Paint your face poorly over a little kid in a KKK robe lmfao. Like, an obvious little kid.

Yeah, but it's the KKK duder. We're not exactly living in a time where that's going to look funny to an employer.
Also, I like how you guys chose one of my more flattering photos that I use to lure freaks on dating sites looking for sadistic pseudo-businessmen. You could’ve chosen the one where I had a shaved head and my forehead looks like the size of a bowling ball.
The production on most Ildjarn isn't really that bad. CiG, not sure if I remember right, but I thought you listened to a fair bit of 80s hardcore punk, and it's certainly not any worse sound-wise than most of that stuff. In fact, it comes from a similar spirit - and I think you'll find Ildjarn was influenced by that scene. Maybe it just needs a fresh perspective.
Even if I did come back here subtly and just talked about music, you would still create arguments out of nothing because of who's posting, not what I'm posting about. You do it every time. TB does the same thing to Phylactery but he just ignores everything that he says (which is hilarious to me).

I miss the days when you would be under the poseur guillotine faster than you can say "If you are a false don't entry" for saying you like tech-death and especially fucking deathcore (lol!). Didn't you just get into metal in 2006?

My first couple of messages were in jest but you were looking for a fight per usual so it quickly turned into that.

Did you somehow fail to notice that I was deliberately saying the exact opposite of what I'd said before about wigger slam? Almost every link I shared was as wigger as it could possibly be. :lol:

Wigger slam is like nu-metal to me. It's dumb, funny, and fun to laugh at with friends when I'm drinking but I'm not going to pretend like I listen to it for the same reasons I listen to Bolt Thrower, Suffocation, Sarcofago, Destruction, Morbid Angel, Dissection, Incantation, Repulsion, Dismember, Grave, Deicide, Autopsy, Carcass, The Chasm, Baphomet, Carnage, Utumno, Immolation, Bathory, Cenotaph, Unleashed, Regurgitation, Demigod, Adramelech, Convulse, Crematory, Demilich, Pestilence, Master, Demolition Hammer, Sinister, Sextrash, Sacrifice, Cartilage, Rottrevore, Therion, Sentenced, Disgorge (Mex and US), Torchure, Liers in Wait, God Macabre, Gorement, Epitaph, Gorguts, Crypt of Kerberos, Hellwitch, Absu, Exhumed, Sadus, etc. etc.

More power to slammers. I prefer death metal to be nuanced in its brutality, and when it sounds like the bands aren't trying too hard. Call me dense or in-crowd or whatever but that's my honest opinion on it.

wigger manic is all over the place .:lol:

@Manic Ferocity Relax little buddy ...
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Last time it was about gun control so get your claims straight bruh.

Det Frysende Nordariket is a good starting place for Ildjarn (pretty sure that’s all Ildjarn-Nidhogg but I could be wrong).

I love all of his black metal full lengths but my favorite is Strength and Anger. Pretty much as primal and misanthropic as black metal gets.